Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Queen of France

Creed of Eco Warriors & The Tree Keeping Fund


Helping Identify to The Annilators of our Planet:

This Creed is brought to you by Therese Vaux de la Fontaine:

Who Eco Warrriors Are:

Persons who vow: to not enable any person(s) to log or maime a tree,
whether for personal gain, group opinion* or monetary reasons.
Women who choose Ecologically minded men only.
Persons who reject the policy of forest thinning.
Typically called maintenance by loggers, logging companies, residential persons, firemen or firewomen, public or private schools, golf courses, road construction staff & workers, and other so-called forest workers.
Persons who stand for the rights of renewal and sustainability of Planet Earth,
& its species of flora and fauna, to last beyond their lifetime.
Persons who stand for the rights of renewal and sustainability of Planet Earth,
& its species of flora and fauna, to last beyond their lifetime.

Identifying the Evil Enemy:

They are Persons who take or order persons of manual labor jobs, to decimate our natural forests and wild areas.
They are Persons who go with self or group opinion, over and/or before any qualified group of esteemed scholars have made their determinations.

Qualified Personnel Are:

A Professional Group of at least 5 (4 yr of study or more) college post graduates or graduates : of Botany, Biology, Life Sciences, Wildlife botanists & Climatolgy
or 3 decreed professors of botanicals and/or wildlife studies.
These Collegiate persons, must be from at least 3 different Colleges or Universities.
When No Professional Collegiate Group is available:
Qualified Persons are any persons who ask or demand the stop of any: logging, thinning, mining or other resource driven commercial enterprises.

The Tree Keeping Fund:

The yearly wages for this Collegiate group of professionals, is paid by the Tree Keeping Taxation Fund, a fund paid by all tax-paying citizens. Which includes their decisional work on Private and Public grounds.
The Collegiate group of professors are paid regardless if a tree is felled or not.
Each one of these professional college graduates of Tree ID Botany workers, also has a work record of before and after images, of any trees that were keep or felled by their vote.
Their record of tree keeping or destruction will be available for the public to view (online).
Post Doctorate Professors who are paid from this publicly paid "Tree Keeping Fund", have the duty of reviewing many current tree-identifyers each year, & verifying if they are still qualified.
The Tree Keeping Fund does not pay any further costs, only the decisional costs, supplied by the Collegiate Tree Identifier Group.
If the Professional Tree Identifier Group has deemed a tree to be destroyed:
The actual tree pruning or felling costs are incurred by:
The persons who ordered the tree destroyed pays for the actual pruning or cutting work; whether on Private or Public Grounds

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Queen of France

100 Ecovillages: The Business Plan

A Town Version

Shared Produce to Income

Where Vegetable, Fruit and Nut Tree items; from each village are shared, between the 100 villages, & the overflow produce is sold for an income.
While each village; has 1 or more other products they either raise, make or create for profit, and those independent products are sold, through the larger 100 village collective organization.

Design of The Cobb Building Cycle; of housing to income.

For benefits of necessity; this is a Vegetarian* business design, which is more sustainable for the planet and persons therein. *not including meat or fish, while including eggs and cheese in the diet.

Number of Villages: 100
Number of Persons per Village: 50
Number of Persons in all Villages: 5000
Approx. Land per Village: 25 acres
Approx. Land per 100 Villages: 2500 acres
Min for Gardening: 625 acres (6.25 each)
Min for Parks: 250 acres (2.5 each)
Basic Cost* Per Person: $5,000
Basic Cost includes the house and shared services, and food cost for 1 year. After that time all future income is derived from the village itself. Therefore, no other money should ever be required.
Being Basic, the design is limited to many shared resources from the main community house (kitchen center).

Village Design:
It's wiser for designers to plan for only a single lane road leading to the main community center and garden, while the houses flank the center, a simple clock formation, where 11 - 1 contains the road out toward the cities, and 7-5 could be used for park or additional farmland. In the center, showers & kitchen, etc, are then easily walked-to, or bicycled-to by the members.

xlsx: costs sheets
100 EcoVillage Version: 22 MB, xlsx;
20 EcoVillage Version: 8.8 MBs

Each small house includes land, around 1/3 an acre, if in the country, (used in the example). However, as shown in the image on the right, the plan can be used for any smaller land-based communities.
Additional points to this plan is the non-necessity of home purchase, aside from the low initiation fee* (ie. $5,000 per house; or the $5000.00 is loaned by the Eco-Cooperative itself (garnered through a bank).).
Reason being such a low house price cost, is that the construction materials, and manual labor are provided by the residents as they are the builders and farmers.

Each Ecovillage

A) Includes invited persons who stomp and build the cobb houses. After a few house stomps (min. 3), 1 of the builders gets a house*.*1 small house.

Meaning, out of the group of cobb stompers, 1 of them can claim a finished house, as their newly built house. From that point on, that person then helps "farm**", an item or two for the main coop.

Selling rules:

later on, the house can be, either traded within the community, for another, or it could be sold to outsiders who prefer to only be farmers. Proceeds from the property value sale, are divided, based upon the persons who built the house, by their final time commitments and its elaboration values.

Meaning; 10 stompers and roof builders, and 1 elaborator (who became the owner). The value is split, based upon the properties price and amount of labor involved.

Income from the Sold Property Price: 50,000 house,
Labor 1) 10,000 to the elaborator-owner, (who tiled, etc)
Labor 2) 3,500 to each of the stompers and roof builders.
A Community fee) 5,000, A small 10%, goes to the eco-community, towards its loans, etc.

B) The Eco Village Coop Truck,
picks up the items then redistributes (with or without a warehouse), to supermarkets. ie., lettuce, beets, honey, herbs, flowers, eggs, grapes,etc.

C) The original problem of the person without income to pay for food or housing is solved, as the income from the coop pays for food and property taxes, etc.

D) Optional* A nominal business loan; for The Eco Village Cooperative, could assist the business start-up, while insuring the land is paid and the persons of each eco-village are fed

The loan would last a couple of years, until the small garden farms are productive.

When new eco-villages are added into the cooperative, another tiny loan would be included, to accommodate the new cobb "stompers".

This simple concept, similar to a croft system, houses many people, while supporting a larger ecological business.

**Farm or Farming; for the process of this discussion is the business model, however other items could be the main business income of a single ecovillage. ie, one village focuses on hand-spun yarns and wool items. (where the original wool un-spun & un-dyed, was sent from another village in the community, another eco-village that raises sheep and makes sheep cheese.)

Determining Number of Sold Items from the Farm:

1 main Individual Item per small ecovillage; Small Cooperative The idea of one main production item per small town (village), has worked in areas of Europe for many years, so the above idea has a history of of being successful. (a rare goat cheese from a small region in the Pyrennees).
Conversely; 1 item 100 eco-villages; Large Cooperative Larger cooperatives though, such as grapes to wine, where one item is mass produced on separate farms is effective economically, by keeping up with the competition of larger companies on a world-scale. Although the larger firms, (sometimes government syndicates; safer.fr ie), do have a tendency to ask for and receive subsidies from the government from time to time, whereas the main product from small goat cheese town, is not be on the subsidy list.

The balance of comfort is a bit of both, where the larger 100 ecovillage cooperative has a substantial group of workers, that bring in a variety of basic items, with a few unique items thrown in.
In this way, regarding income enhancements to the business, banks and governments will be more tolerant of your efforts.

However, an independent ecovillage business, away from the banking system and government help, is obviously possible. Yet, In the situation of persons starting from a meagar income beginnings, the grouped ecovillages will more than likely, "be treated", as a successful upstart by being a larger coop.

If using a Loan: Determining any Loan Values, Homes and persons per village::

The final value of the loan is based upon, the finished property value of the tiny homes.
# of persons per village: 50
# of houses per village: 50 small cobb or earth-bag houses
finished home value of 50,000 each
finished property value per village $2,500,000
finished property value per 100 villages: $250,000,000

Land purchase:
# of Villages: 100 Each village: 25 acres or more per eco village.
Cost per acre: $5,000 per acre
Land Cost per Village:$125,000
Land Cost per 100 Villages:$12,500,000

Determining Business and Land size per person
Number of Acres per village: 25 acres
Farming Business Acres: 25%, 6.25 business acres per village
Residential Land per village: 18.25 acres
Per Person: .375 acres each.

100 Villages
# of Persons: 5000
Land Cost: $12,500,000
Building supplies and Infrastructure Costs, plus several years of property taxes and food supplies: $12,500,000
Acres: 2500
Loan: $25,000,000
Cost per person without a loan: $5,000

However, as the final completed property value is to be $250,000,000
plus the value of the business, it could be a higher loan. My advice is to negotiate loan payments to begin after 1 yr. Where certain basics such as vegetables to market, begin paying it off.
If the Cost per person is initially afforded by members of the group, then no loan would be required.
The final result is: Homes & a Business for 5000 people.

1 Village Only

If deciding to only create 1 eco-village, with 1 business. The numbers are simply reduced by 100%.

# of Persons: 50
Land Cost: $125,000
Building supplies and Infrastructure Costs, plus several years of property taxes and food supplies: $125,000
Acres: 25

Loan: $250,000
Cost per person: $5,000
If the Cost per person is initially afforded by members of the group, then no loan would be required.


Grouping compatible persons.

Village Cost Chart

Monday, March 27, 2017

Queen of France

Permaculture: Cobb Subdivisions

A Little Cob(b) Garden House

Eco Villages; Cobb House and Land Collectives:

These planned communities can be strictly zoned, by each group. Zoned with only 1 type of eco-building style; Cob, Strawbale, Earth bags, Tree-houses, or Hobbit homes; or zoned to be of a mixed eco-variety, as long as they are of sustainable building methods.

Starting with College and University Students

"Commitment-to-Purchase" Lists: from participating students; of at least, 10-20 cob-construction, student-purchasers.

Questionnaire Rules

In the beginning, a small assignment of simple rules has to go with each community.
So then, the participating students sign up for the right type of eco-village.
Let them fill out a voting questionnaire.
An example is: circle the : "welcome or not welcome" / "yes or no" fields.

More rural? 10 or more miles from a city; yes or no
Land with trees? yes or no
Drinkers? Light to no drinkers are welcome or not welcome.
Couples? welcome or not welcome.
Children? welcome or not welcome.
Walk-ins only: No vehicles Parked at the properties? yes or no.
Temporary housing trailers allowed during the build? yes or no.
Houses maximum? in size to 800 sq ft.; yes or no
Animals? welcome or not welcome.
Only 3 large barn animals, per land plot? yes or no
Daily Commuters? are welcome or not welcome.
Mandatory monthly community meetings? are welcome or not welcome.
Composting toilets, leaf or industrial? are welcome or not welcome.
Electric golf carts allowed? yes or no
Quad machines allowed? yes or no
Do you want a cooperative business to go with the ecovillage? in ex. growing basil and flowers; yes or no
Do you want to participate in a cooperative business? yes or no
Vegetarian Only Residents? yes or no
Are hunters welcome? Never.

Include brief Selling Rules; buyers have to be verified and voted on as compatible with the neighbors? yes or no


Then, after collecting the votes, it helps to find the appropriate land for the group.


In the Future; a quicker online, group-matching database can eventually make it easier to vote and find your preferred group, anywhere in the world.
Where selectivity, narrows down your eco-village choices considerably.
ie; Include mostly Retired women who were professional ballet dancers or opera singers only.

Debt-Free Purchases

Start with smaller investments, per person. Then the initial land is debt free, aside from property taxes. prices anywhere from 1,000-25,000 each person (per land plot).

Building loans are a problem though, as one of the major points of eco-villages is to avoid defaults and foreclosures. If a building loan is later acquired, independently by a group member, he or she could default.
I suggest that each community disallows building loans. Unless the loan is backed by another form of collateral, aside from their present eco-house. This avoids any chance of liens or bank seizures occurrence.
If a seizure ever did occur, the group would always have the first option, to buy the property.

These Eco-Communities are not supposed to cost a fortune, just be simply constructed.
Including the use of naturally fallen wood from a forest; over lumber purchases or tree harvesting. Meaning thatch collection & application, with or without a green roof on-top.
While also avoiding lime and concrete products as much as possible on the walls, by implementing gley/manure mixes. Oxblood for flooring is not necessary, but keep it in mind, as a use, if an animal dies of natural causes.
Pond Sealing:
Again the gley mixture, however, coated with a 20% clay to mud coating, that is further burnished with a tool to seal the pores.
Where later on, the inclusion of swimming ducks & leaf matter, continue to seal the bottom and sides with their droppings.

Finding the Land

Selecting about 5 land properties to vote on, (Most groups will want land closer to their college; 0 - 100 miles... However, some may even want adventurous international builds.).
typical land sizes from, .... .3 to 5 acres each plot.
Including park and community areas, to at least 10% of the land area.

Example of the min. 10% park rule:
Where 20 acres = 2 acres for parks, community and recreational.
Leaving 18 acres, divided between 28 purchasers = .64 acres each

Voting on which Land to Purchase

Having an easy voting process for the small group,
and allocating subdivision designers* from either members of each group, or design students from other groups.
(designers include park & community areas in their drafting plans.)
*hopefully designers can get school credits for their work. while also obtaining enough professional experience to be formally hired by more pricey eco-community groups.

Land Purchasing with Safe Methods

Buying the land through a Title & Escrow Company. Whether for sale by a real estate company or by owner.

Starting the Structures

Into the dirt; Beginning building, trench digging and soil tests.

Starting with simple interiors

Bulk Buying of building & garden supplies

an option for each member, within each cob community.
1) Sand & bales for walls, and foundation; gravel & stones.
2) Garden plants and seed swaps.
3) Other various construction items;
wheel barrows, shovels, trowels, tarps, etc.
4) Farm animal supplies; oats, corn, wheat, etc.
5) Solar & other energy equipment.
6) Water supplies & delivery systems. 7) Food; 5 lb min; nuts, seeds, olives, flours, grains, olive & avocado oil, dried fruits.
Bulk buying food, can reduce costs considerably;
from 3000$ per year, normal in-store purchases... to 1000$ per year, approx. 1-2 deliveries.
Storage conditions being the main factor, for bulk dried foods, avoiding moisture, etc.
Where 20,000$ per 20 persons per year, reduces the 1000$ for each person even further, as a 5 lb min, becomes a 25 lb min.

Figuring out;

how to mimic the above ecological sub-division mechanism, for older people. Persons that have left University.
Perhaps, the University Alumni, is a good place to start,
by creating mailing lists of those interested persons.
Persons with Botanical degrees, Geological, Arts, Architecture, etc.

Careers for the Student Builders

New jobs can be created for the students;
Careers where they assist the older groups, in many ways;

Land Finders,
People Grouping, (collective formation experts... (dancer groups, artist groups, etc)
Purchase and Buying experts,
Accomplished Designers,
Building Permit Helpers.

Adding Mailing Lists to Youtube

A feature for the Youtube.com Vlog-Publishers,
helpful in creating lists of interested persons, who want to join eco-building communities.

Cobb-Construction Magazine

Creating a Magazine, just for cob building, smaller than Mother Earth News. Including ecological-building businesses & advertisers.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Queen of France

The California State Succession

Original California Flag

Becoming a Country

California has finally up-roared its own liberal self, to be included as a new country, within this global mixture of happen-stance governmental bodies here and there.

As a leader country hosted with future-minded individuals, we have often been the beginning of trends for the world. However, in recent years, we have lacked our political voice in american politics. Which has been out-of-the ordinary for California, almost as if the new Californians, who have moved and reside here, do not make the same conscious efforts of native Californians.

The conscious efforts of sustainability, to better the planet, people, plants and animals, have been too often pushed aside, when in the past it was our only priority. To keep our world, as a home that we would continue to live in, and bring our future generations into.

The start of California as a new peaceful country, starts with a monetary incentive, with offshore banking opportunities available to Americans from the United States, a new banking infrastructure, will financially compliment the US rather than hinder.


The possible inclusion of Oregon and Washington with the succession.

Cost Savings to the United States

A reduction in military spending for the Federal Government of the United States as an added bonus. The bases, located here in California are some of largest and most costly to run for the United States federal government. The condensing of military equipment, toward the east for the US, is a wise financial choice.
For the US to run an army mechanism that is refined rather than large and extensively eclectic grouping, is another reason as a wiser tactical choice.

Native Californians

Bringing in the standard of, "born in California" persons; as the original citizens of the new country, called California. Other resident persons, declared as naturalized, dependent upon longevity of time spent as a resident. Therefore, if you were born in California, you would automatically be classed as a citizen of the new California.

Taxations and Revenue

The current California government, is to be a new smaller federal version for California. State Taxations for California citizens would initially increase, to similar of the old US federal level, and the older federal US taxations would be cancelled for California citizens.

Current Governor of Califorina

The current elected government person, who is the Governor of California, becomes the new acting Prime Minister (similar to Presidential) elect, of California for the time being, until voters decide upon either their new federal California powers to be either; a Monarchy, President or Prime Minister. Emir's are cool, however, it may be too dis-associated as a political leader role, for most native Californians.

Currency of California

Continue with USD as the currency, with Euro optional accounts offered by the California banking system.

US Banks in California

Current US Banks, such as Wells Fargo and Bank of America are invited to open offshore branches, in similar fashion to Barclays and HSBC in Guernsey.

International Banks in California

Other International Banks such as Deutsches Bank, UBS, Goldman Sachs, and Credit Swiss are therein invited to open branches here in California.
Enabling further prospective business ventures in California, The United States and European Countries.
With a European banking diversification added to California. The new country will become a major stronghold, hosting old and new business relations between North American and Europe.

Offshore Banking Incentives

Not to undermine the new country standard with simply a boring banking routine, but keep with the old-style follow of Switzerland, 25$ will be granted as a savings account opener for each new infant born into California. (kept in their new locked savings account, locked until they are 18 years of age.)
Newly forged silver and gold coins, with the emblem of the California Bear, are to be minted, and given to any new or re-instated; "time-deposit account with nominal interest*" account holders of 5 or more years, if the bank account is in excess of $500,000. (1 gold coin per 500,000, upon the 5th year the coin is given to the account holder and it can be either kept or transferred into cash at that time.)
1 silver coin will be granted to any new or re-instated; "time-deposit account with nominal interest*" holders of 5 or more years, if the bank account is in excess of $250,000. (1 silver coin per 250,000, upon the 5th year the coin is given to the account holder and it can be either kept or transferred into cash at that time.)
*(interest rates under 3%)
My Video discussion, detailing this blog.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Queen of France

The Group "Purchase of Property" Chart

Basic Chart of Costs per person, without a mortgage.

This quick chart represents full purchase,
without any extra fees aside from the Shared year-to-year costs of:
Utilities, Property taxes, Gardening, Food*, home insurance, transportation costs, telephony.
With group health as an option.

*Bulk food purchases

are more available the larger the group.
In example, 5 pounds of almonds, for 70 dollars. lasting approx. 3 months.

Things to consider when creating a property-buying group:

Try an choose appropriately compatible persons with their diet and lifestyle:
vegetarian households, raw vegan households.
Similar careers or career expectations persons
ie, fine artists, ballet dancers, and philosophers, tend to conflict with manual labor workers.
(sorry, there is no "Conflict chart" available.)
Age-group approx. within 25 years, for the people considered.
Including purchase rules for the property group owners, such as :
No personal credit card loans used to purchase your share.
and/or No mandatory job or career requirements.
Additional Conditions of ownership, ie., 5 years of property taxes, paid into a property tax savings account.
If a with children household: Persons with children would pay the full price per child, also.
Persons with similar political views, brings a higher chance of compatibility.
Don't forget to include silent partners, ownerships. For persons who buy a share as a long term investment only, and do not ever live on the premises.

A "Share a Home" Website to find group buyers:

In order to help locate the property purchasers, a matching website, is still needed to group people accordingly:
by property price,
property area,
property type (with land, over an acre, etc.),
number of persons,
price per person,
a with children household, or not

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Queen of France

Finding Success Online: SEO failures

windsor castle
Windsor Castle, from my ancestors.

Account Blockage Issues
and Adsense Earnings

It has been a month of new discoveries, after my many years here online, with youtube and blogger.

In my eagerness, of web participation,
as of yet I am apparently a blocked account, by google (and youtube),
with little to no web-hits aside from my own, and a few others for many years.

As if those persons and I are in a niche club of "Ooh La La persons", perhaps so famous, as to be unable to garner such minimal earnings from web visitors visitations.

In one years time, from youtube.com/zayvra,
only $3.80 cents is listed on my earnings for my adsense account.

A scandal has occurred against me,
as I often witness my site at the top of googles web searches, which in normal discussion amounts to web site hits and click-through visitors.

So, honestly I do find it extra-interesting, that certain people have said, "You will never make enough money online", in a threat so to speak, as if they have had something to do with the actual blockage to my accounts.

Google Analytics Script Update:

One thing unusual, has been the change to my google analytics account, which I setup to track 3 of my website url accounts, it was changed by someone to only 1 url.
After setting them up again, and re-adding tracking codes to blogger and youtube, one other thing was noticed. A complete change to the analytic script code itself. I guess the new script update could have voided my previously set-up analytics website Urls and deleted them?
So, in conclusion to google analytics,
either my analytic account had been hacked into,
and those urls removed, or the new script voided those urls.


All and all, I have had some great success with initiating Adsense to my blogs.

As you may notice, I have set-up 3 advertising boxes, which is amazing, after many ruined attempts months prior.
One thing different; was a recently modified Blogger page, "The Blogger Earnings Page". It was updated to include a layout plan for the Adsense Advertising Choices. So, it is possible that my old blog required the blogger earnings page and the original layout page, in order to work.
One complaint; my Queen site was loading in slower than normal, after first receiving the ads, with the new adsense ads. My computer required a reboot, now its back to normal.

Minimal Subscriber Base !

There are many hoops out here to garner more web page hits, and yet I am still confused as to why I have had such a low subscription rate.
My youtube account has literally stopped at a maximum subscribers of around 55. Therefore, I believe it has something to do not with me or my content,
but rather a policing action against me.
Whether that action is from France or the United States,
I do not know, just that my original zayvra youtube account, has been oddly blocked for many years. I still can search for my youtube videos via youtube's seach, however, it is possible that the search results that I achieve are limited to only my "sandbox" participation . Meaning, I can search out my own data while very few others are able to find me.
Into the reasons why:

Not a Popular Entertainment Vlog or Blog:

I have to refuse the adage of "Your not popular"
Because, my original "Roodala" account had over 100 subscribers in a few short months, with similar topics, of world politics, ecology and guru discussions.

Google Ownership

In fun, someone close to me owns too much stock in Google itself, therefore, I cannot make earnings from the company.

Longer Youtube Videos:

In sad, I have gone on with the longer videos more-so, over 10 minutes. Perhaps the audience cannot handle long videos? No, I have to discount that as the reason.

Ecologically Minded Advocate

Other limiter possible reasons, perhaps I have been put on a list of "Save the World" persons, and in my construction versions on how to "save the world", I have been mis-construed by simple-minded persons who do not understand either philosophy or the tactics necessary to take on this planet and persons for a better global change.

Royal Bloodlines:

The being "Royal" reason is not enough, as the google limitation of my subscriber base had occurred before I formerly announced my Monarchy; as the Queen of France.

Not Pornographic?

Sadly again youtube has become a wasteland of porno and adult websites, as I have found out in some searches, however I do not believe those subscribers would effect my particular subscriber rates at all, as they are a completely different group of persons for the the most part. A group of subscribers that practically ingest pornography as a daily meal, or else starve. They just aren't persons that would sign-up to me anyway.

I am the Boss of Google?

This is another fun one, as the owner of Google or one of the owners of Google, I guess I would have to be limited, as many discussions pertaining the the companies well-being would need to be held publically and yet on a lower advertised scale. If I work for google as such, my gosh where is my paycheck?

Being a Yogi Guru!

"In the normal and mundane,
a bright gift allows itself to be shown,
sometimes shockingly."
As a Yogi, I am not overwhelmed with the wants of material possessions or the grandeurs of monetary wealth. However, I do expect others to not "use" that as a convenience, and with-hold my earnings and conduct fraud against me. "If there is money in gainings that belong to me, well then it is for myself to determine, how it is saved, donated or spent."

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Queen of France

Account restored with google.com

queyras castle
"The Queyras Castle"
Oct 27, 2016.
Account status has been restored ! from Oct 4, 2016:
I had broken password resets, for several weeks.

I will leave the "what happened" data below my little help section as it may have assisted with verification of my account.

Help Section
There are a few things to utilize with google, to avoid losing site data.

1. Use a Brand Account as it offers options for up to 50 google account owners.

2. Add several Admins to your Blog, by sharing it between users, the blog account has a lower chance of being locked-out.

3. Set-up either a pop3 or email forward, to at least one other email account, and list it as "read".

4. I am still uncertain with actual size limitations to youtube accounts, as I believe there are unsaid "algorithim" determinations. So, try to lower the resolution for longer videos,to under 720 to 340. or use frame-rates of 25 or less.
Because many of the videos, I have uploaded recently were up to 5 times larger than normal. Where, the original programmers may have issued an account warning lock-out for unusual changes to an account's normal habit.

5. I know someone from google thought it was a site attack, and yes there was an web attack to my blog, from Israel last month, 5000+ hits in a day. Which could have been from a site visitor who had a virus on their computer.
So, that also could have been another reason for the password lock-out.

Either way whether it was GB usages changes or the blog attack, the zayvra account has found more redundancy, by using google's newer helps like joining into a shared branded account with multiple users and the inclusion of extra blog admins.

What happened: Oct 4, 2016.
Not able to change the password through the google security link, while my account is still logged on and active, since: Oct 4, 2016, Oct 5, 2016... last code sent was at 3:52pm.
Oct 6, 2016, 9:02 am, txt code was sent, then email verify switched to "account creation date", which goes to then "Google could verify it's you, so you can't sign in to this account right now."
Oct 7, 2016, After contacting them yesterday, google.com has my account listed somewhere as a "suspend".
I updated a few details, like my correct age and location, and am waiting for the help response team to return my account to normal. My advice to google's team is to remove the 2-step verify.
and keep the 1 retrieval way, of sms code to my cell phone
or use the 1 retrieval way back to my accounts main email address, as it's still active.
Oct 10, 2016.
Oct 11, 2016. email to code retrieves worked, yet still returned a no verify.
Browsers Attempted for the reset:
Firefox, on Linux Ubuntu 15.10
Firefox on Apple 10.6
Safari on Linux Ubuntu 15.10
Firefox on Linux Ubuntu 14.04
Firefox on Linux Ubuntu 16.04
(and a cell phone, android)
Past message To Google Help: Oct. 4 2016
Most of my google account is still accessible, blogs, vlogs, email, google drive.
Just not the Password Resets, handled through the security link web-pages.
I can supply an alternative google recovery address, or upload a file, to google drive, or make another video vlog, at my youtube.com for password recovery id. Alternatively, please call me at home, or through my cell-phone.
All in all: While the lock-out had gone on:
Remembering google is an income business, and the free services advertise, so, they receive income from the few accounts. Meaning, they receive much of their profits because of their free email account services. Due to each email sent, indirectly being an advertisement for their product. Which helps their stock values to rise, etc.
Anyway, it had put a damper on my month of October. As I am not finished with the EU Castle Collective. On the agenda, is my new profit to shares spreadsheet. as well as, better defining the profitability for the collective members, for the different levels of share and castle purchasers;
because all profits from of each of the Castles businesses, return to the collective each year.
I have to better explain this, as that input from each castle business, trickles back to all members, and further castle purchases for the collective.
Because the it's more "My castle" mentalities, start to crop up.
The tourist supply, for their customers, and the initial castle re-build, comes through us, therefore it is not ever their business, merely a business that conducts as a working branch of the collective.
The "In private" Castle purchase situations, as when the castle is fully purchased by either a time share group or one person, and they prefer to operate as only a "private" businesses away from the collective. Then, those castles cannot sell any services or goods to businesses within the Eu Collective Castle, though they will still be able to purchase goods or supplies. The private castles, will not be included in the EU Castle Collective, until they want sell the property.
Which does cause problems with me, as I am not intent on being bought out, after rebuilds, just because the money showed up to buy a castle. So, I guess my quick answer, is to limit their business range to purchases only.

Oct. 4 - Oct 27 2016

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Queen of France

Rammed Earth Castles

Rammed Earth Castle, in Spain.

The Stones for the EU Castle Collective

Using Rammed Earth:

As shown in the images, are the older techniques from Spain, with tamped earth, which has been a long lasting alternative in desert climes for many centuries. A 500-year lifetimes for a castle, being the target number with the rammed earth constructions.
With the use of pneumatic tampers, The Castle constructions can happen quite quickly. However the older hand-tamped method cannot be rescinded, as it has proven the test of durability, whereas, the pnuematic is merely a quicker updated addendum, to the original tool.
In as much as the braven sweat on many a mans back is an endearing moment for a Hollywood movie, I believe the newer machines perform as efficiently, and quicker.
Not to debate this, on all ram rebuilds, but rather, let your group (ie. "Ber") go ahead and decide whether to hand tamp or not.
I am not the beast of instant that some of you may prefer for your portfolios. Therefore, the pnuematic version will be available as an option for rebuilds, as well as, the softened tone... of original hand-tamping... if your group "Ber" decides to be more authentic.
A Call to Experts
As France itself is a climate with more humidity than Spain, it cannot be stated that tamped earth = tamped earth everywhere. Like adobe and cob, the soil being used has to be tested for clay contents, etc. The experts of rammed earth construction, will hopefully have the answer on when to add extra clay or add extra limestone. Offering on-site test-kits, per batch of new soil delivered.
The drastic change to Rammed Earth
I am not advocating rammed earth for all of the Chateau rebuilds.
As I have stated before; (via my Vaux Monarchy mandates) that all of the stones from the quarries of France, belong only to the EU Castle Collective rebuilds of France, and not to residential or outside commercial interests. Although, this doesn't mean going whole-hog on the French quarries, we still have limited quarry supplies, in respect to the sustainability of our mountains production.
The Creative Takers
It appears some of you do not care one ilk past your lifetime to what disruption and ruin you have been associated in "creating". Interesting also, that this group of commercial takers are often those stricken with the disease of antagonism towards artists. As if Their own artist has spired into only creating "take", similar to a bacterial organism that cannot stop.
Person's running their balance of perspectives, decides and rationalities, in suit with one's associated bank account balance. Where that balance, has become their only cognisant release of allow for the human creative spirit.
Oddly, I have also found that these same globally creative "takers",
have a following of "bank account balance worshippers". Person's that are poised to destroy the concept of all creation, within their short lifetimes, due to their fanatical financial beliefs. Whether by forest and mountain destruction, or Nuclear proliferation.
In proving a mountains natural value, there are many that expertly can, however in my cliff notes of expedia:
Mountains are our natural; rainwater harvesters for rivers and snow run-off, natural springs creation, wildlife ecosystems, air current participants that modify wind verocity and storms, genera species creator habitats where only certain species and flora has evolved.
Mountain Production School
Yes, the mountains can recover, after a millon years of planetary shifting and rockfalls, although they will be different mountains in shape and form. Pre-determining that the mountains will "re-grow" in the same location is also not a possible determination.
Therefore, inexplicable changes from even a few quarry digs, are classed as a "Non-Sustainable" resource.
Preference of Sustainability
Yes, there is a preference to the "look" of stone, over that of rammed construction, in certain situations. However, at some point the "look" has to loose its vanity, to our minds wishes.
Remembering, foremost, the native value of a mountain, over the value of a quarry.

Final Close of these Minutes

In conclusion of todays meeting;
Rammed earth castles from Spain, being the long term examples. They are an inexpensive and sustainable alternative, to the original stones. A tamped earth construction technique, lasts for at least 500 yrs.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Queen of France

EU Castle Collective: Hotels: From Ruins to Riches

Chateau Mur
Private Property, in Vaucluse

The Eu Castle Collective
Hotel Chain

The lovely & stereo-typical Chateau Mur on the right, is alloted as a private residence. However, with this Castle building age, with so many ruins, let it be an example of perfection.
The Mur Chateau states romance, indicative of the King Author era, which is much easier on a commercial scale valuation. Visitors from all around the world adore the King Ludwigs Castles and these tiny pristine Chateaus of France. Chateaus, that bring knights in shining armor and gracious carriages, purposeful, for our imaginations to steady, in the midst of their reality.
Therefore, instead of going with absolute original constructions on every build. We build these castles to fit the tastes of our time. The tastes that also bring visitors, and create sales. I am talking Majestic, Renaissance and balanced. Balanced construction appeases the eyes, whereas, a room extra for another room extra, was often shabbily done to conform to the necessities of the time, over the actual architectural design privileges.
EntreChaux in Vaucluse
Otherly, monstroscities were built on cliff precipaces, meaning, construction difficulties for rebuilds. As found often in Vaucluse and the Haute Alp regions. Walled Citadels, that only a fly man or two could actually repair even in this day and age.
I have the theory, that a team of horses, was used as crane power; to joist the stones higher. Horses that merely walked from point A to B. Walking toward point A to lower the scaffold and workers, and walking to point B to raise the scaffold, workers and stones. However the tension ropes and guises had to made extremely strong, with twined leather, even cowhides to contain the stones.

Which Castle first? City, Rural or Major Venues

Touristed Local town and City locations, that contain eye-sores, have to be a priority over smaller country residences. Due to the tourist population, creating chances for a higher income. However there are situations where certain castles have brought persons from all over the world to tiny far away places in France. Castles that have created a bounty of income even in their sometimes difficult-to-find locations. Those types of Castles either offer shows and extravaganzas during the summer, with Camping facilities or they have gone the opposite, and have become 5 star accommodations for corporate business clientele, weddings, etc.
Therefore, if the business plan for a Chateau has been determined to be worth the elaborated repair costs, such as, becoming a 5 star hotel, with equal income potential, to that of a touristed city, then it qualifies as one of the first castles to rebuild.

Business Plans

The castle business plan itself, will have to be a basic design, one that all the castle rebuild facet groups can use. So, that it isn't re-written 1000 times by various persons (There are at least 1000, castles and ruins in France.).
The plan style also helps to determine the correct budget for the rebuild of each castle.
The start of the business-to-income castle plan, has to begin with a castle information database also:
Containing these basics:
Location: City, Local, Countryside
Terrain difficulty: Hill, Cliff, flatland, Riverside, Moated,
Terrain difficulty: Park size of the property. Castle only, 1/2 HA, 1 HA, 3 HA, etc.
Chateau Size: 4000 sq feet, etc
Approx. Number of rooms when finished: 40,
Income Gained Through: Camping, Resales to other Facet Members, Hotel (* - *****), Bed and Breakfast, Summer Extravaganzas, Opera or Concert Parties, Weddings, Museums.
Current Condition: Pile of Stones, Basic Ruine with 2 walls, Ruine with Several Walls, Basic Ruin Castle with Roof, Repaired Castle with Roof, Habitable Castle, Castle ready for Tourists.
Average number of paying customers per day, each year:
If a Corporate Rental, estimated persons per year:
If a Hotel, or bed and breakfast, or campground, estimated guests per year:
If not a Hotel, or tourist occasion, what is the Income potential to be from?: Art seminars, Raising sheep, Vineyard, Casino

From Ruines to Riches

As the collective increases, in size with facet participants; each Chateau sees a renew.
Our Facet team builders, if even, for only one summer during their lifetime, reap benefits of the Collectives Savings increases throughout their lifetime.

Update: I added to the the Facet Name Page:

The Baronnee Facet Names
If you don't qualify in the Facet Castle Name categories.
There are also the Regional Facet Names, also listed on the Castle Facet Name Page
and if you're named after a Region of France, such as "Vau", in "Vaucluse"... You're invited to be a voting participant, toward any major Castle decisions in your region, regardless of the Castles Facet Surname:
Similar to a Baronies powers of say, in the past. However, a limit will be placed on the number of voting Barons and Baronesses. The original Facet Castle surname holders will be able to keep 50% of the vote.
In Halt-Vote decisionals, (50-50 stalemates), well, votes from 2 other facets in the region get to be the deciding vote.

Regional Facet Names

French Surnames that prefix as:

Baronnee Regional Department Facets:

Ain [Ain (1)] :
Ain, Az, Ais, [Aisne (2)] :
Aul, Al, [Allier (3)] :
Mer [Alpes-Maritimes (6)] :
Agu, Aig, [Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes (Region)] :
Ard, Arg, Art, Desc, [Ardèche (7)] :
Ard, Arg, Art, Den, [Ardennes (8)] :
Ari, Ayri, Edg, [Ariège (9)] :
Aub, Aux [Aube (10)] :
Aub, Aux [Aude (11)] :
Ave, Roh [Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Region)] :
Ave, Roh [Aveyron (12)] :
Vas, Was, Rin [Bas-Rhin (67)] :
Bou, Roh [Bouches-du-Rhône (13)] :
Bour, Fran, Com [Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (21)] :
Bri, Tan, [Brittany (Region)] :
Cal, Vas, Was, [Calvados (14)] :
Can, Tal, [Cantal (15)] :
Wahl, Val [Centre-Val de Loire (Region)] :
Che [Cher (18)] :
Cor [Corrèze (19)] :
Cor [Corse-du-Sud (2A)] :
Or, [Côte-d'Or (21)] :
Arm, Mor, [Côtes-d'Armor (22)] :
Cru,Rou, Ru, [Creuse (23)] :
Sav, Sev, [Deux-Sèvres (79)] :
Dor, Don [Dordogne (24)] :
Dou, Du, [Doubs (25)] :
Dro, [Drôme (26)] :
Ess, Son, [Essonne (91)] :
Y'eu, [Eure (27)] :
Y'eu, Lou, lu, [Eure-et-Loir (28)] :
Fin, [Finistère (29)] :
Gar, [Gard (30)] :
Ger, [Gers (32)] :
Gir,Gui [Gironde (33)] :
Rin, [Haut-Rhin (68)] :
Cor [Haute-Corse (2B)] :
Gar, [Haute-Garonne (31)] :
Lou, Lu, [Haute-Loire (43)] :
Mar [Haute-Marne (52)] :
Sei, Sey, [Haute-Saône (70)] :
Sav [Haute-Savoie (74)] :
Ven, Wen, [Haute-Vienne (87)] :
Al, Aul, [Hautes-Alpes (4)] :
Al, Aul, [Hautes-Alpes (5)] :
Peyr, Per [Hautes-Pyrénées (65)] :
Sei, Sey, [Hauts-de-Seine (92)] :
Hér [Hérault (34)] :
Fran, Vran, [Île-de-France (Region)] :
Vil, Wil, [Ille-et-Vilaine (35)] :
Ind, [Indre (36)] :
Ind, Lou, Lu, [Indre-et-Loire (37)] :
Ser, [Isère (38)] :
Jou, [Jura (39)] :
Lan, [Landes (87)] :
Lan, Rou, Ru, Peyr, [Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées (Region)] :
Lou, Lu, Che, [Loir-et-Cher (41)] :
Lou, Lu, [Loire (42)] :
Lou, Lu, Lan [Loire-Atlantique (44)] :
Lou, Lu, [Loiret (45)] :
Lau, [Lot (46)] :
Lau, Gar [Lot-et-Garonne (47)] :
Lau, Loe, [Lozère (48)] :
Mey, Lou, Lu [Maine-et-Loire (49)] :
Man, [Manche (50)] :
Mar, [Marne (51)] :
Mey, Mai, [Mayenne (53)] :
Mur, Mos, [Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)] :
Mou, [Meuse (55)] :
Mor, [Morbihan (56)] :
Mos, [Moselle (57)] :
Ni, [Nièvre (58)] :
Pas, Cal, [Nord-Pas-De-Calais (59)] :
Pas, Cal, Pic [Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie (Region)] :
Ois, [Oise (60)] :
Orn, [Orne (61)] :
Par, [Paris (75)] :
Pas, Cal, [Pas-de-Calais (62)] :
Pai, lou, lu, [Pays de la Loire (Region)] :
Aze, [Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Region)] :
Pui [Puy-de-Dôme (63)] :
Peyr, Per [Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)] :
Peyr, Per [Pyrénées-Orientales (66)] :
Roh [Rhône (69)] :
Sei, lou, lu [Saône-et-Loire (71)] :
Sar [Sarthe (72)] :
Sav [Savoie (73)] :
Sei, Sey, Mar [Seine-et-Marne (77)] :
Sei, Sey, Mar [Seine-Maritime (76)] :
Sei, Sey, [Seine-Saint-Denis (93)] :
Sau, [Somme (80)] :
Tar [Tarn (81)] :
Tar, Gar [Tarn-et-Garonne (82)] :
Bel [Territoire de Belfort (90)] :
Wahl, Val, Ois [Val-d'Oise (95)] :
Wahl, Val, Mar [Val-de-Marne (94)] :
Var, [Var (83)] :
Vau, Bau, Beau [Vaucluse (84)] :
Van, Wan [Vendée (85)] :
Ven, [Vienne (86)] :
Vas, Was, [Vosges (88)] :
Yon, [Yonne (89)] :
Yèv [Yvelines (78)] :

Updated Close of these EU Castle Collective Minutes

In conclusion of todays meeting;
The addition of "the Baronnee Facet names".
With attention to the voting procedures per department.
Business plan database outline, for the ruins to riches objective, of the Collective. -------------------------------
EU Castle Collective Research links:
The List of Castles from Wikipedia, with links to many images:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Queen of France

King List of Europe from the Middle Ages

This is my most up to date "King Line" Chart List so far: Adding Luxembourg, Holland and Germany: (It's clearer in the gallery view, click on the image, and then right click to zoom:)

This chart lists Kings from my Grandfather Vaux: (King Edward III from John de Gaunt, etc),
His wife (from my Grandmother's bloodline), also finds Kings and Queens.
From her tall Norwegian self, various royal ancestors are also discovered; including a way through to King Edward III from his youngest son Thomas, and another way through to the 3 Scottish Kings, Duncan I, Malcolm III and David I, (including a new Scottish Princess Margaret of Huntingdon, Duchess of Brittany .
Meaning, there are 2 Ancestry lines ascending to King Edward III: one from each of my Grandparents (mother's side of the family), where the surnames of those lines thereafter King Edward III, including the French Capetians Kings, Arpad Dynasty, etc are converged.
king lines of europe
I may be "only Vaux in history",
who has been able to find themselves as a direct descendant of the Capetian French Kings, and other European Kingdoms.
For those who want to purview, My Vaux Kingdom database which supports the details of my findings, as a Royal, of England, the Capetian Dynasty and other European Kingdoms, surname by surname: I will try to add new names as they arise. The surname update page has my most recent info. However, the database below is better as it includes first names, and surnames lines by color.

The smaller 1 page Printable version "King List of Europe" : Column AZ/row 14:
Extensive List with More Kings, dates of Reign, Wives, etc., Better for studying.

I also have made a few slideshows of Dynasties, listing portraits and paintings and a bit of historical data, including only my particular royal ancestors, within each dynasty shown:

Capetian Kings of France

Counts of Berengue(r) and the Kingdom of Aragon

The Arpad Dynasty

One line finds ancestors not as Kings of France or England at all, (after "William the Conquerer"); rather a line with a bastard son, the son of King Henry*. (*One of My Royal Ancestors.)
The "Be Faithful" motto of the Vaux's of de Vallibus, did not rally with the state of affairs that was being run by, the Kings of England. Which was giving name and occupancy, with fortitudes and plenty to their bastard children. Hence the dispirited Vaux's staked Scotland as theirs, away from the King's decadent allocations.

Honorable Mention to the author, J. David Vance:

A good resource book for the Vaux's, available with pdf., and their offshoot names throughout much of history, going through the years of the smaller Barnbarroch* Castle after Dirleton. Which did look halfway decent, prior the 1940's.
He attempts to settle the difference of Vaux and Baux, which still leads into confusion. As Haploid wants to rule the path of a genetic traveler over all else. *84 rooms
However, as quoted from the pdf.:
"In 929 AD Bertrand de Baux went to Normandy, in the north of France, by invitation of the Duke of Normandy and established a branch of the family there where the name became de Vaux. Bertrand was the progenitor of the family de Vaux, which long held a distinguished rank among the nobles of Normandy."
I will return to the simple Boat warning, As the rivers in the south of France are very shallow as compared to the North. A major fear of mine, as I was once in a heeled yacht and almost lost my dog to a drowning. The most awful situation, if a boat is your home, and your livi-hood.
The Vaux's did after all, conquest with William the Conquerer from boats.
Pdf: The Path of Family
Dirleton was a gutted visit, steeped in history. Next to the new turnabout in a small Scottish village. Where oil was once poured from its turrets to scald any antagonists of the Castle.
It included a terrible "Penance reckoning" chamber, for prisoners underneath the Chapel.
However, during my travels through Scotland, I did not find the little estate with a lake, called Barnbarroch.
------------------Castle Info Trivia
Good news, as apparently I descend only from the sister of the brother, and not the brother, who was strangled to death, in Schönburg Castle. There are several Schoenburgs, but one of them has a castle design that is so extreme and eclectic, I couldn't include a picture of it, on this site. Not all castles were of great design.
De Vallibus Castle of Normandy may hold an old treasure, of how it was, sadly it is shown as a ruine.