Thursday, January 31, 2013

Queen of France

Ledger book and Employee payment methods

Vaux Kingdom, "non-digital" ledger book procedures.
I hopefully made a vlog for this one, as its a little tedious to re-hash.

To clarify a few id helpers and workings with the gov. gift card, of 20,000 per person:
1.) Including a verify id book (database),
2.) adding in a daily ledger book of customer payments (fill-ins),
3.) with a notary day included for employees/employer./supplier(s).
  • notary day assures the employee cards are filled-in to the correct payment amount,  
  • that the supplier receives the correct credit (w/card #'s) in his/her ledger book.
  • the ledger the book of the employer then includes,the amount of payment for the purchased goods, (to determine the profits to savings for employees, - to receive their savings card later.)
The ledger book is not required if the system is digital,
as the transaction history of the event,  with the 1 bank account each.
is in the database similar to a ledger book.
With digital, the notary adds the employee payment amount to the work-for business,
and the supplier is paid directly from the business account, at the notary with that transaction.
This assures the money is spent in the correct direction.
Then later the profit to savings is funded to the employee.

Verify Id Book:
non-digital version:
the verify book with photo of person w/either a pet or a plant.
Then photos do not need to be on the cards, (as those can be tampered with)
the regional photos of all current yr. spenders of the region,
are then listed in one book for each major store.

Each card receives a number,
that quickly matches to the appropriate page number in the book.
Probably 20 or so books to print, per regional area.

On larger purchases,
then yes, the plant or animal in the photo
can be requested by the store as inclusion with id,
.....If the person has had an identity upset...
such as gained or lost weight, changed their hair tone, over-tanned, a known twin etc.

If digital databases exist,
then so be it... a quicker numeration search lookup and verification.
Verified by the same id-type as the non-digital version, yet accessed as a digital book.
(the digital method offers more travels away from the regions for spending,
as regional books can be linked.)

Employees on notary day, and earnings to savings:
In reference to using the card to buy supplies as an employee,
A store purchase will often include several employee cards at once.
(ie., 2000 each - of ten cards on a 20000 purchase).
The notary day is for: 

the employees (Arta), the stores purchaser (Arta), and the supplier to be paid (Viada).

For employees, the card fill-in (payment) occurs at the regions **"supply/purchase area", 

and only with the notary person present. (as a stamping machine could regulated the process).
Do not give or send your card away elsewhere, as employee payments occur in person.
Your employer (or stores purchase worker) is also present to:

write-in (or stamp) on the back of each employee card: name and amount.
Store name:...Arta Design and Tile- 2000

Supply/Purchase Notaries:
The regions supply purchase areas normally has 5-7 offices per area,
and one person each, who works there to be the notary of the event.

(a small regional notary stamp, with the notaries initials on the back of each card.) 
The notary also stamps the ledger books of the employer and the supplier.

This assures payment received, 

...if it the payment boxes were left blank on the giftcards, fraud occurs.
In a non-digital gov. gift card situation,
if the notaries are corrupt, and do not stamp or assure the payment (card fill-in) 
has been received, any person of the region...
noting overspending employers and employees without notaried cards,
could report the infractions, to assure no savings cards will be given, 
and the cheaters of the 20,000, 
would only have reduced card amounts in the next year. 
If an entire region has a corrupted few, and they are receiving a 
counterfeit-acceptance by others in the region, 
then that type of region would be corrupt with any type of currency, 
due to those persons. 

With a regional-suppliers-only law, 
it stops the corruption from gaining allegiances elsewhere, 
as they aren't in effect hurting trusted states of commerce elsewhere.
However regional-only suppliers 
can be working for the corrupt regional monopoly without any way out, 
back to serfdom w/low price to earnings.
The futuristic stop of these olde time dreads is electronic commerce, 
if the system is assurably clean of theftable actions.
In the digital gov. gift card situation, 
transactions happen via the historical 1 lifetime bank-account-only per: 
employer business, each employee, and each supplier. 

Supplier on notary day:
In the supplier Viada's daily ledger book, 

as it is a sold items experience, of the amount paid that day, 
20000 is entered (from the 10 employees). 
During these times the original store or business may need to be closed,
for payment cards to be present.

Employers on notary day:
At the notary, write (or use a biz. stamp) on the back of the employees card, 

the store name and the amount each employee has given (to purchase supplies)
ie. Store name:...Arta Design and Tile- 2000
If a larger store see the last reference of this blog section.

then later, with a savings earnings card also, 
the Arta company gives the ledger book to the notary office, 
the savings employees cards are finished for the new year.   

The Arta store received 20000 in giftcard purchase amount, 
yet earned 30000 (listed in the daily receipt ledger)
over the purchased product price,
so, 30000 is to be divied out... to the 10 employees.
and each employee receives a savings card worth 3000 each.

The other suppliers, have the same process to the notary, but for lesser amounts:

Now the supplier (Viada) who tallied 20000....(in 2000 per card fill-ins).
He or she does not have 20000, only Viada's daily receipt ledger, 

during the notary moment, the ledger states the Viada amount received,
and the customers card numbers, if a savings is earned later, 
it is helpful, so that Viada can give savings to its employees also.  

Scenario explanation of Viada:

Viada needed to originally buy the product and rearrange it (or sell it outright). 
Viada bought 10000 worth in value of product-to-sell, to Arta for 20000.
The 5 Viada employees... also had their cards notaried on the original items purchased.
and on the back of each of Viada's employees cards lists: Viada - 2000.
Originally with Viada's product to sell, 2 items were required

and built to be the final sold product, so when Viada's employees submitted their cards at the purchase-supply notary
w/the 2 original suppliers, 
cards are updated with fill-in payments of 1000 to each. , 
and the back of each card, it lists: Viada - 2000,

The 2 suppliers are not listed on the back of employee cards.
However they do have the event of the 1000 giftcard fill-ins. 
and have their card # listed in the ledger payment updates (of supplier and employer).

The Viada daily ledger book states 20000 earned,(from Arta) and 10000 purchased (from 2 suppliers).
So 10000 in profit is to be divied out between each employee's savings card at the end of the year, 2000 to each (5 employees).   

The subsequent supplier companies earned 5000 each from Viada,
on their purchased products of 2000 each (w/2 employees per company).
returning 3000 in profit earnings, and their notarized daily ledger, 

helps each of their employees receive a savings card of 1500 each.

Unfortunate it needs a supply/purchase notary in the system,
however as it is a work purchase with the chance to accrue savings
and also stops no-fill ins from occurring, it is the only way.
Hopefully it is only a notary payment occurrance that happens..
one time-per person-per yr. working for that store.

Large Stores:
With larger stores of 50-100 employees,
purchases may happen all throughout the yr.
10 employees gov. gift cards used on purchases in january
and 10 employees gov. goft cards in april, etc. 
A booked-for amount can be listed on the back of the cards at the start of the purchase yr.
and an outlined unused monetary region on the front of the card,
which helps the store have the allocated amounts known before the purchase event occurs.

front of card, left empty until notaried:
   [   ]  [   ]  [   ] 
back of card:
Viada - 2000 [to purchase]
and cross out "[to purchase]" on the purchase day.