Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Queen of France

Not a "Fortune 500"

Trying out "The Online Illusion"

On the way to Success

Finding Failure
Left & Right

with the "1 Person Attack Game"

Update: Aug 2021: This blog rallied true... the affiliate click thrus from CJ and others have deactivate my participation to offer click thrus due to slow & unpaid for traffic.
Returning to my original Blog from March 2021:
For a month or so, I've been sowing my oats so to speak,
in the online war of gaining advertisers, to display and pro-offer with due diligence their link into their illustrious online businesses.
Instead on offer, I've received so many company refusals, that one would start to believe that I was a serial killer, & they prefer to block me from earning a living.
My sweet little travel site is new and their slamming it to death. When I need their links, as their part of the sites value also.
As a site about travel without a link to a travel company in coordination, would be retarded. Meaning, that would not be offering a valuable content for viewers.
Even Etsy, a company that thrives of the handiwork of a single human til the wee hours of the night, for their own business to survive, sent my tutu wants to hell. So, even if those beautiful tutu's are "on offer" through their site, I will not be able to assist anyone in the "find" of them. Which is starting to crash Tutu Ballerina into the ground.
Online searching is a disaster for people sometimes, and it wastes countless hours of peoples lives.
My tutu and ballerina sites are all about being a directional helper, and instead I'm flogged for not being a major corporation, already received thousands of hits per day.
I've known that developing a web presence is not instant & competitive, but their refusals are stomping the foot on me before I can even begin. Insulting, to say the least, when people work hours crafting their items, and the online mega "mint sites" says "no" to this little gal.

Going into Business Debt? NO

Running for a bank loan, to hire 20 employees, isn't the answer either. However, these advertisers have proven themselves to be seeking that business stereo-type only. "BIG BUSINESS ONLY" is a welcomed link to them.
Like, they all go to the same golf club and made the decision, to destroy the online upstart woman completely.
Who knew, that offering a list of links to travel company sites would hurt their over-blown egos. They're attempting to put me at a stand still. A stand still to send me into the gutter. You cannot run and say "It's Nothing Personal", they're a coordinated machine of indifference to small businesses.
The question is who is in charge of this dedicated decision to ruin the little guy and gal. Is it a monopoly of dedicated workers that choose to kiss up to their mega corporation superiors, "Yes, we choose big business only, Sir."
Well, that's unethical business practices, and one that even the largest online company "amazon" does not adhere to.
All the while, I push their dejected experience away, and continue like the mad-woman I've always been on this internet, of selected dreams.

Down with Their Over-site of Our Internet

It's our Internet and not theirs to pick and choose what sites are the make or break. It's way too insulting the stranglehold they have on this Internet's direction. Blocking the little upstarts? "Not a Fortune 500? Well go to Hell", That's their saying, to each one of us who tries to entrepreneur in this 2021.
Then, I think for a moment, perhaps it's a lowly worker with an over-blown ego; only seeking major companies for their portfolio of "affiliate-links". What a cloud they too are sitting upon, making the rain on others, through their judgemental's of ordinance and dis-approvals.
What a disappointment they've been, whether a decision from the companies "book of Guidelines", or a lowly staff worker needing heightened acceptance selecting "Big Business Only". Both have destroyed the fiber of fair business practices.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Queen of France

The Vicious Cycle: Taxation & Government Debts

windsor castle
Windsor Castle, from my ancestors.

Money for Money's Sake

Governments that beg for our Workmanship

In brief, I will address the vicious ccycle of our World Economies.
It's quite simple, a Government is only a bank balance, either in debt or in cash.
When a Government goes into debt, whether local or regional or federal, it eventually has to find a loan or a way to pay the debt off. The usual methods are raising taxes, or receiving an International loan from another Country or group of Countries.
If the tax-payers cannot re-coup the losses the Government has over-spent in the first place, they have no choice but to go for the International loan, whether IMF or other.
The vicious cycle for the people begins as being tax-payers. As soon as the needy Government hungers for more income to pay the debts, it forces people to work more in order to pay off their own differential house bills, etc.
Once the people have become too burdened with taxation, and too much work have-to, their quality of life is greatly disturbed. The chance of corruption goes much higher as well.
So, living the life of Riley persae becomes a past illusion, and the people teter upon more and more Government hand-outs on require.

Governments going for the loan

When a Government heads for a loan, more is owed, and the Government will look again at it's people for someway to bail the Government out. The people are burdened financially and the Country goes further into decline as a Nation. All the while, the people themselves change their characters.

Character of Person

At first, it's not the immediate personal character of "accepting oneself as being forever poor", but rather, being one of the character's found at the insiduous levels of classism.
Where usage of a word from "garden" to "yard", means a lesser. I could poke at Britain with this one, as they've proven segregated classes can exist, due to very miniscule details.

Maintaining Status

In these structures of debt-world, the people actually do not rally together, only can they rally within their new associated class. The intense rise of snobbery, is really a beggar to many peoples hearts, and yet they choose to run with that persona for social acceptance, in the seek of their continued financial position and status.
When their status is disrupted or even before, they might discover, the competition that exists world wide. The competion to maintain one's status is brutal, or else be known by their peers as a failure. A castaway known as "fail".
When the world-wide competition has increased into "I have to pay my bills", the finger has to be pointed at the Government tending their flock. Then, as each "lone" Country cannot keep up, one-by-one the Countries will fall; because the efforts of invent and increased monetary gains cannot be reached by their own people.


In business, they call it mergers, and well that will be the direction taken, in order the maintain status as a nation... A Dual-Nation is better than No Nation. Where a US-Canada would not be out of the question. The EU itself has proven to be able to reap from their collective habit, but with any merger, they too can fail. However, for many bundled Countries they have raised their status, so in the beginning, a merger can be a good thing financially for the people. Meaning less work have-to, more price fixing and a given chance to relax until the merger Coordinators over-spend as well.


The key is: to "Never let your Government take, until you're their minion. Balance that Governments checkbook first, and stop their overspending... or lose yourselves into stagnate levels of self, settled into a constant competive class, attempting the escape of a Dual Nation takeover.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Queen of France

Royalty Books: Capetian Era

King and Queens of Europe

In the vast assortment of books available via amazon; I've weeded through to make this collection of specific books, only on the topic of Capetians.
Monarchies, Sovereignties, and Royal families will have to wait for an easier affiliate program. Remember, one can't judge a book by the cover or title only, as some of them do have snazzier covers.
capet kings the capetians of france
    Others to seek out:
  • Medieval France
  • From the Reign of Hugh Capet*
  • Sieges of the Middle Ages
  • *Kindle also