Thursday, May 29, 2014

Queen of France

Income Stats Sheet

I added a few other sheets:

The income stats sheet,
which details all the info from other pages in one section,

from #of properties & population to property sales & income.

The 2nd section allows for estimates on the above scenarios.


A tiny profit shares sheet which gives income tax rates,
and final profits to the company.


The larger profit share sheet, which includes also the new income rate info,
for each employee.  short term shareholders or longer term.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Queen of France

Reviewing the 25% flat rate income tax

Adding in the income tax: 25 %
with the: The Vaux Kingdoms Budget & Profit Calculator 

I know its easier and quicker to implement, & that it can also offer the immediacy of a pre-paid wage also.

As time is so expediently precious in.. have to have been already done yesterday,
it does seem stupid to continue with my older version, which was more complicated.
The old version was more complicated because each sector of departments alloted has employees that require the same or similar yearly wage as before.

Whereas using the 25% flat rate income tax only... across the board,
does not always bring in the same wage the employees were getting.

So, I added it to the Kingdom's budget sheet,
along with the pre-paid wage also, & it works.

Because both have to occur or else it is only the same system rewritten that denigrates the impoverished into further hopelessness, etc.


The funny thing about it is, the per capita per personal income
drastically changes,

The lower paid incomes... 20,000 to 80,000,
receive extra money, as the pre-paid wage also pays for the 25% tax.

& the 25% is not so stressful for higher wage earners,
as it may be the similar to the income they already have,

and the under 20000 pre-paid wage persons compensate,
employers, as they do not have to pay them for work under 20,000.

Thereby the bump-up into per capita is if a specialized workers yearly pay is
higher than 20,000,
22000 ie.,
he or she is paid 22,000 by their employer, receiving 42000 per yr.
between the Kingdom & the employer.

Whereas the non-specialized under 20000 a year employee,
only receives 20,000 from the Kingdom.
Which activates a want for the non-specialized persons
to obtain higher learning & education,
in order to leap the gap up to the 40,000 or higher range.  

Specialized does not associate with only formal schooling though,
A specialized career worker is the decision of the employer.

With the new chart page called the Kingdoms Savings:
The Income Tax Rate for all was added.
I also took into account,
adding the estimated population of non-wage earners. 

There are estimated & current year sections.
The estimated charts are for other populations #'s.

& the % of personal incomes by population estimated & current is also included. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Queen of France

Buyer Incentives during Transition

I will retract what I said. in this recent vlog,
about the buyers of the property having to pay in-full
from their savings during the transition phase.
& conclude that they can also use a bank loan or mortgage
to fulfill the final asking price of the property.

Due to no-risk to the Kingdom:
Technically the Kingdom is not affiliated with the bank loan,
merely that the bank has to pay the Kingdom in-full for the actual property, similar to how a bank has been paying a notaire as has been active here in olde France,
The Kingdom is essentially the notaire with a difference:
1.) The "Writ of Deed(s)" are kept by the Kingdom
2.) Funds from purchasers are kept as income & to pay sellers.

Therefore, the mortgage acquisition from the buyer
is not a risk investment to the Kingdom,
only the bank, if the mortgage is not paid.

Buyer Incentives:
Also, I spoke about,
buyers incentives for persons with property investment portfolios,

1.) those who rent out & let out properties,
there is the initial citizenship given to property purchasers for properties 500,000 or over, to anyone in the world,
which includes the pre-paid wage... on into retirement.

2.) With the additional incentive of adding 1-2 citizens into the Kingdom,
who prefer to rent the said property purchased.

Then the buyer has a secure deal to help accomodate any mortgages paid into,
because the rent allowance is already there each year,
for each renter in the Kingdom.

I believe in Britain the above type of property owners are called buy-to-let.

Retirement Benefit:
3.) By purchasing 500,000 or more in a property investment,
the yearly pre-paid wage is included for 1 person through retirement,
which can be a greatness for many persons, 
who had uncertain retirement plans,
because the yearly amount is certain throughout one's lifetime.

The original 500,000 equivacates to 25 yrs of spend value "@" 20000 per yr.
from a savings from a regular bank,

While the Kingdom's give as a spend value, includes;
a.) Options of 1-2 new Kingdom citizens as renters,
b.) Funding one of the Kingdom's businesses for profits.
c.) If living over the 25 yrs., the buyer receives;
additional yrs. of retirement proceeds.

4.) Upon, selling, the Kingdom handles the transaction,
& has a purchaser list at the ready.  

Bringing Personal Savings into the Vaux Kingdom's Bank:
One can purchase citizenship into the Kingdom also,
on any amount 1,000,000 or over,
However, 500,000 of the money cannot be withdrawn,
where it is kept as a 25 yr. retirement voucher,
& the other 500,000 or more,
is not to be used outside of the Kingdom's realm of businesses;
which avoids money pass-throughs of laundering & corruption from occurring,

The retirement voucher block, also avoids,
yearly pre-paid wage greedaholics from getting a quick 20,000 each yr.  for the rest of their lives, who had no want to spend it on our businesses or remain in the Kingdom at all.