Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Queen of France

Sovereignty of Opera Houses

The Sovereignty of Opera Houses; Le Nouveau branche de la E.U.

The New European Union Organization of
the "Sovereignty of the Opera Houses"; (english then french)

The E.U. Proposal:

Including 3 main Embassy branches, 
1 Branch for the Ballet Embassy, for the Dancers,
1 Branch for the Opera Embassy, for the Singers,
1 Branch for the Orchestra Embassy, for the Musicians.

New division of the EU,
merging a few tasks of the major Opera Houses into one organization. 

With the intent to alleviate the current Opera Houses of un-necessary spending habits, helping to minimise taxations. While allowing for lifetime commitment housing and available work options to the former stage artists. 

Today I write only on the subject of the Ballet Embassy, 
as it pertains to my situation moreso. 
However the other 2 branches are replicas, 
with their Embassies w/placement and fullfillment centers.

"Danse Classique" Embassie en français.
Ballett-Botschaft in German.
Balett nagykövetség in Hungarian.
Balett ambassaden in Swedish.
Embajada de ballet in Spanish.
μπαλέτο πρεσβεία in Greek.
balet velvyslanectví in Czech.
ballet ambassade in Dutch and Danish.
балет посольство in Russian.
ambasciata balletto in Italian.
ambasada baletu in Polish.

Total cost for all branches each year, is 36-60 million euros.
In order to maintain the Opera Houses at a lower cost, 
Offering quality sets and costumes, choreographies, etc. 
while also being able to lower the costs of their productions.

The initial outlay given by the European Union, thusly lowers the cost of productions on the European Stages of the State Run Opera Houses.


12.000.000 Euros each year from the European Union:

(amount to 20.000.000 Million Euros depending upon the year or necessity).
5.000.000. to support 1000 former artists of the state-run Opera Houses, to live*, create and supply art and other services to the Opera Houses throughout their lifetime. 

(averages to 300 per month each, 
with shared housing, food, car, and a little extra.)
1.000.000. for health care.
1.000.000. for 50 persons who work at the Ballet Embassy.
1.000.000. for 50 persons who work at Theatre Fulfillment Centers for the "used items": Recycling of costumes, sets,
and swapping new point shoes**, etc. between the Opera Houses.
1.000.000. for 50 persons who work at the Theatre Fulfillment Centers for the "new items": bulk suppliers for new purchases for the Opera Houses.

1.000.000. for costs of the "used items" Theatre Fulfillment Center.

covering the costs of delivery between the Opera Houses.

1.000.000. for costs of the "new items" Theatre Fulfillment Center.

new item purchases are ordered by each Opera House Budget
payable to the fulfillment center. 
The amount covers the cost of a few basic Opera House supplies, the warehouse(s), and delivery services.

1.000.000. for The Dance Placement Center. for directors, choreographers, ballet masters, current and former dance artists to find new work as available persons for the Opera Houses.

The amount covers the facility, the offices of the Ballet Embassy, 
a large dance studio to offer auditions, and other services,
and also electronic equipment needed, for the Embassy, 
including those that help to create the Opera house passports, 
for members of the State Run Opera Houses. , 
supplied to aprox. 10,000 persons.

and 2 replicas, of this proposal of, 12.000.000 Euros each year for the Opera Embassy, and 12.000.000 Euros each year for the Orchestra Embassy.


*To live:
Purchased or donated housing;
Habitations of 5 or more persons to a house, including the purchases of older hotels, and/or apartment complexes, small farms, bed and breakfasts.
All housing purchased or donated, is swept into the Ballet Embassy portfolio, explicitly for the former stage artists.

Preferred Locations for the fulfillment center(s)
In the dry Sud of France. Frejus to Bezier, to salvage and maintain the costumes and sets from molds, etc.

Preferred Location for the Ballet Embassy and Placement Center,
(Danse Classique Embassie), near the fulfillment centers.

Preferred Housing for the formers stage artists; near Frejus to Bezier if they are going to work at either the embassy... placement center or the fulfillment centers (1-3 fulfillment centers) .
**outright purchases at a discount,
available to the former dancers, of their specific shoes.


Donations not of European Union Ownerships:

In order to begin accepting donations of housing, apartments and hotels, 

for the former dancers of the Opera Houses,
we need to coordinate the new board of directors.

50 dedicated persons from the Europes National and State Theaters
nominated into the Ballet Embassy. (49 persons, not counting myself.)

Starting with my choices;

Sandor Nemethy, Director, Principal Dancer, Ballet Master, 

Vienna State Opera House, Austria.

Virgil, Principal Dancer, Instructor, 
last company known, Mannheim Opera House, Germany.

Sylviane Bayard, Director, Danceur Etoile, Instructor.

and determining the important others,

plus, 3-5 people who are extra skilled with telephone
and/or skype communications.


Voting rules for the Ballet Embassy:

10 agree to vote on an idea,
and then all 50 vote to yea or nay.

Majority rule over a time frame of 21 days.

Ballet Embassy Newsletter.
Translations of the newsletter sent to the members,

detailing new votes, etc.;

The mailing list goes to the former dancers, directors, choreographers,
from the Opera Houses, along with their known preferred languages,

To avoid excessive use of translator workers,
instead, using some kind of mailing list program,
that translates to different languages,
based on the email address list.

The original Opera house current and former dancer lists
are to be sent* only to the Ballet Embassy of Europe...
(*not yet a known or an official location.)


A Camion (truck 2 room size) to transport the persons of the group and their belongings to the work, housing and department of the EU. Where the fulfillment centers are, and the dance placement center are, in the southern region of France.  

The truck is to be used for the up to 1000 persons who will be newly committed to work again under the State Opera houses in the long term and odd jobs category, while receiving their yearly allowance from the Ballet Embassy.


The Ballet Embassy needs an Official Bank Account with The European Union.
So, the treasury persons of our staff can obligate and equip the varying sub-departments into working status.


Using Search services of the European Union.
Because many of the former dancers may already be registered in the different countries of Europe,  as persons of limited wealth (at the poverty level),  
yet have said that they are also former dancers of the European Opera Houses. 

If any have stated as such, 
we (The Ballet Embassy) prefer to have that list, 
in order to invite them as workers and rejuevenates of the arts, 
as persons of our new department, 
persons that are supplied with the shared housing and at least a minimal income as former dancers.

En francais:

L'Organisation de l'Union européenne Nouveau

la "souveraineté du Théâtre de l'Opéra";
Dont 3 branches principales de l'ambassade,

1 Direction pour le Ballet de l'Ambassade, pour les danseurs,
1 Direction de l'ambassade Opéra, pour les chanteurs,
1 Direction de l'ambassade Orchestra, pour les musiciens.

Nouvelle division de l'UE,
la fusion de quelques tâches des grandes maisons d'opéra en une seule organisation.

Avec l'intention d'alléger les actuelles maisons d'opéra sur les habitudes de dépenses de l'ONU-nécessaire, en aidant à réduire les taxations. Tout en permettant le logement de l'engagement à vie et les options de travail aux anciens artistes de la scène.

Aujourd'hui, je n'écris que sur le sujet de l'ambassade de ballet,
comme ce qui a trait à ma situation moreso.
Cependant, les deux autres branches sont des répliques,
avec leurs centres Ambassades w / placement et Fullfillment.

"Danse Classique" Embassie en français.
Ballett-Botschaft en allemand.
Balett nagykövetség en hongrois.
Balett Ambassaden en suédois.
Embajada de ballet en espagnol.
μπαλέτο πρεσβεία en grec.
balet velvyslanectví en tchèque.
ballet ambassade en néerlandais et danois.
балет посольство en russe.
balletto Ambasciata en italien.
ambasada baletu en polonais.

Coût total pour toutes les branches de chaque année, est de 36 à 60.000.000 euros.

Afin de maintenir l'Opéra Maisons à moindre coût,
Offrant des jeux de qualité et des costumes, chorégraphies, etc
tout en étant en mesure de réduire les coûts de leurs productions.

La mise de fonds initiale donnée par l'Union européenne, abaisse thusly le coût des productions sur les étapes européennes de la course État maisons d'opéra.



12.000.000 d'euros par an à partir de l'Union européenne:

(montant de 20.000.000 millions d'euros en fonction de l'année ou la nécessité).
5.000.000. pour soutenir 1 000 anciens artistes des d'État maisons d'opéra, de vivre *, de créer et de fournir des éléments graphiques et d'autres services à l'Opéra Maisons long de leur vie.
(moyennes à 300 par mois chacun,
un logement partagé, de la nourriture, voiture, et un peu plus.)

1.000.000. pour les soins de santé.
1.000.000. pour 50 personnes qui travaillent à l'ambassade Ballet.
1.000.000. pour 50 personnes qui travaillent au Théâtre Centres Fulfillment pour les «articles utilisés": recyclage de costumes, décors,
et échangeant des nouveau chaussures de point **, etc entre les maisons d'opéra.
1.000.000. pour 50 personnes qui travaillent dans les centres de traitement des commandes de théâtre pour les «nouveaux éléments»: fournisseurs en gros pour les nouveaux achats pour les maisons d'opéra.

1.000.000. pour les coûts des «articles d'occasion" Théâtre Fulfillment Center. couvrant les frais de livraison entre les maisons d'opéra.

1.000.000. pour les coûts des "nouveaux éléments" Théâtre Fulfillment Center.
l'achat de nouveaux éléments sont commandés par chaque Chambre budget Opéra, payable au centre de traitement.
Le montant couvre le coût de quelques fournitures Opéra de base, l'entrepôt (s), et des services de livraison.

1.000.000. pour le placement Dance Center. pour réalisateurs, chorégraphes, maîtres de ballet, actuels et anciens artistes de la danse à trouver un nouvel emploi en tant que personnes disponibles pour Théâtre de l'Opéra.

Le montant couvre l'installation, les bureaux de l'Ambassade de ballet,
un grand studio de danse pour offrir des auditions, et d'autres services,
et aussi de l'équipement électronique nécessaire, pour l'ambassade,
y compris ceux qui aident à créer les passeports Opéra,
pour les membres de la Course État maisons d'opéra. ,
fourni à env. 10 000 personnes.

et 2 répliques, de cette proposition de, 12.000.000 euros chaque année pour l'ambassade de l'Opéra, et 12.000.000 d'euros par an pour l'ambassade Orchestra.


* Pour vivre:
Acheté ou donné logements;
Habitations de 5 personnes ou plus à la maison, y compris les achats de vieux hôtels, et / ou les immeubles d'habitation, les petites exploitations agricoles, chambres d'hôtes.
Tous les logements achetés ou donnés, est balayé dans le Ballet portefeuille ambassade, explicitement pour les anciens artistes de la scène.

Emplacements préférentiels pour le centre de traitement (s)
Dans le Sud de la France à sec. Fréjus Bézier, de sauver et de maintenir les costumes et les décors, des moules, etc

Lieu préféré pour le Ballet de l'Ambassade et Centre de Placement,
(Danse Classique Embassie), à proximité des centres de traitement.

Logement privilégiées pour les artistes de la scène des formateurs; près de Fréjus à Bézier si ils vont travailler soit à l'ambassade ... centre de placement ou les centres de traitement (1-3 centres de traitement des commandes).
** achats fermes au rabais,
à la disposition des anciens danseurs, de leurs chaussures spécifiques.



Dons pas de l'Union européenne copropriétés:

Afin de commencer à accepter les dons de logements, appartements et hôtels, pour les anciens danseurs de l'Opéra de Maisons,
nous devons coordonner le nouveau conseil d'administration.

50 personnes dédiées des théâtres d'Etat Europes national et
nommé dans le Ballet de l'ambassade. (49 personnes, pas me compter.)

À partir de mes choix;

Sandor Nemethy, administratrice, directrice danseur, maître de ballet,
Opéra de Vienne, en Autriche.

Virgile, premier danseur, instructeur,
dernière société connue, Opéra de Mannheim, en Allemagne.

Sylviane Bayard, directeur, danceur Etoile, instructeur.

et la détermination des autres importantes,

ainsi, 3-5 personnes supplémentaires qualifiée de téléphone
communications et / ou Skype.



Vote règles de l'ambassade Ballet:

10 d'accord pour voter sur une idée,
puis tous les 50 vote oui ou non.

Règle de la majorité sur un laps de temps de 21 jours.



Ballet Nouvelles de l'Ambassade.
Traductions de la newsletter envoyée aux membres,

détaillant nouveaux votes, etc .;

La liste de diffusion va aux anciens danseurs, réalisateurs, chorégraphes, de l'Opéra Maisons, avec leurs langues préférées connues,

Pour éviter une utilisation excessive des travailleurs de traducteur,
à la place, en utilisant une sorte de programme de la liste de diffusion,
qui se traduit en diverses langues,
sur la base de la liste d'adresses e-mail.

Le courant de l'Opéra d'origine et anciens listes de danseur
doivent être envoyées * uniquement au Ballet ambassade de l'Europe ...
(* pas encore connue ou un emplacement officiel.)



Un Camion (taille de la pièce camion 2) pour le transport des personnes du groupe et de leurs effets sur le travail, le logement et le département de l'UE. Lorsque les centres de traitement sont, et le centre de placement de danse sont, dans la région sud de la France.

Le camion doit être utilisé pour le jusqu'à 1000 personnes qui seront nouvellement engagés à travailler à nouveau sous les maisons d'opéra d'État dans la catégorie long terme et des petits boulots, tout en recevant leur allocation annuelle du Ballet de l'ambassade.



Le Ballet ambassade besoin d'un compte bancaire officiel de l'Union européenne.

Ainsi, les propres personnes de notre personnel peuvent obliger et équiper les sous-départements différents en état ​​de fonctionnement.



Utilisation de la recherche de services de l'Union européenne.

Parce que beaucoup d'anciens danseurs peuvent déjà être enregistrés dans les différents pays d'Europe, en tant que personnes de la richesse limitée (au niveau de la pauvreté),

encore ont dit qu'ils étaient également des anciens danseurs de l'Opéra européennes Maisons.

Si l'ont désigné comme tel,
nous (L'ambassade de ballet) préfèrent avoir cette liste,
afin de les inviter en tant que travailleurs et rejuevenates des arts,
que les personnes de notre nouveau département,
personnes qui sont fournis avec le boîtier commun et au moins un revenu minimum d'anciens danseurs.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Queen of France

Roman Emperors and Kings

julius caesar
"Julius Caesar" is elusive as to which one?
There appears to be about 20 Julius Caesars.
There are many Julius duplicates on this list, (collaborated from several pages).
However, the image of Caesar on the right, does look like he has the weaker hair,with tones of red also.
The list order is most recent history to ancient history.

All of the persons stated are my Ancestors, how fun!
typically the romance ages are available to be found through our King Edward III line to Hugh Capet, from the Kings of France. The list holds lines in the eras: 780 AD - 300 BC. (recent first, reverse order.)
It's a great reference, for school studies, writing books, genealogy. Extremely intriguing names and histories from the past:
The Saxon, Lombardi. Swedish, Finnish and Norway Kings
aren't listed with this batch. Mainly to the ruling seat of Rome.
Here are some of the greeks, visigoths, and meroving kings:
the poets line:    Eudokia I, Princess of the Western Roman Empire (Abt 440-) 
Licinia Eudokia "Theodosia" Western Roman Empress (422-462)
Aelia Eudokia, Poet, Roman Empress (Abt 401-460)
Leontius of Athens, Sophist
the poets husbands line: Eudokia I, Princess of the Western Roman Empire (Abt 440-)
Flavius "Theodosius" II, Eastern Roman Emperor (408-450) (401-450)
Flavius "Arcadius" East Roman Emperor (395-408)(377-408)
Aelia Flavia Flacilla, Roman Empress (-385)
Flavius "Theodosius" I, Roman Emperor (379-395)(346-395)
Thermantia of Constantinople (Abt 326-)
Flavius "Theodosius" the Elder (Abt 325-Abt 375)
Aelia Eudoxia (-404)
Bauto, Frankish Magister militum (-)
the other side:  Eudokia I, Princess of the Western Roman Empire (Abt 440-)
Flavius Placidus "Valentinianus", III, Western Roman Emperor (425-455) (419-454)
Flavius "Constantius" III, Roman Emperor (Before 360-421)
Aelia "Galla Placida" "the Elder" (388-450)
Flavius "Theodosius" I, Roman Emperor (379-395)(346-395)
Thermantia of Constantinople (Abt 326-)
Flavius "Theodosius" the Elder (Abt 325-Abt 375)
Galla Valentiniana (Abt 363-394)
Flavius Valentinianus (Valentinian) I, Roman Emperor (364-375)
Gratian Valentinianus "the Elder" (Abt 291-)
Empress Justina (Abt 321-Abt 388)

Hoamer of the Vandals
Brunhild (Brunehaut), Queen of the Visigoths (Abt 543-613)
Galswinthe (Goiswinthia) of the Vandals (Abt 518-Abt 582)
Hoamer of the Vandals (Abt 480-Abt 530)
Eudokia I, Princess of the Western Roman Empire (Abt 440-)  (Abt 440-)
Huneric of the Vandals in Africa (Abt 440-484)
Gaiseric, King of the Vandals at Carthage (Abt 407-Abt 477)
Godigiselus of the Vandals (-406)
Brunhild (Brunehaut), Queen of the Visigoths (Abt 543-613)
King Athanagild of the Visigoths in Spain (Abt 515-568)
Amalaric II, King of the Visigoths (511-531) (Abt 495-531)
Clotilda MEROVING Princess of the Franks (491-531)
Alaric II, Chieftan of the Visigoths (484-507)(Abt 470-507)
Theodogotha DI ROMA (Abt 478-)
Eorik (Euric) Chieftan of the Visigoths (466-485) (Abt 435-484)
Theodoric I, King of the Visigoths (418-451)(Abt 395-451)
Alaric I, King of the Visigoths (395-410) (Abt 370-420)
Theodogotha DI ROMA (Abt 478-)
Theodoric I, King of the Ostrogoths in Italy (Abt 454-526)
Theodemir Chieftan of the Ostrogoths (Abt 425-471)
Erchiva (Erelicia) of the Visigoths (Abt 425-)
Wandalar Chieftan of the Ostrogoths (Abt 395-459)
Winithar Chieftan of the Ostrogoths (Abt 365-)
Theodogotha DI ROMA (Abt 478-)
Andelfieda MEROVING (Abt 452-535)
Childeric I MEROVING King of the Salian Franks (436-481)
Bassina II VON THÜRINGEN Queen of Thuringia (438-499)
Merowig, King of the Salian Franks (410-458)
Queen Verica
Clodius (Clodion) "le Cheveleu", King of the Salian Franks (-Bef 449
Bassina I von THÜRINGEN (-Aft 470)
Theodogotha DI ROMA (Abt 478-)
Andelfieda MEROVING (Abt 452-535)
Bassina II VON THÜRINGEN Queen of Thuringia (438-499)
Chlodwig VON KÖLN King of Cologne (Est 410-455)
Bassina VON SACHSEN (Est 415-)
Chodoswintha MEROVING of Austrasia (569-)
Sigebert I MEROVING King of the Franks in Austrasia (535-575)
Brunhild (Brunehaut), Queen of the Visigoths (Abt 543-613)
King Clotaire (Chlothar) I "The Old" MEROVING King of the Franks in Soissons (497-561)
Ingonde (Ingunda) VON THÜRINGEN Princess of the Thuringii, Queen of the Franks(499-563)
Chlodovech (Clovis) I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Salian Franks (463-511)
St. Chrotechilde GJÚKUNGAR Princess of Burgundy (465-548)
Childeric I MEROVING King of the Salian Franks (436-481)
Bassina II VON THÜRINGEN Queen of Thuringia (438-499)
Chilperich II GJÚKUNGAR King of Sicambrian Franks (491-516)(Abt 443-Abt 486)
Gundioc (Gunderic, Gundowech) GJÚKUNGAR King of Burgundy (-473)
Unnamed Princess of the Suevi (Abt 418-)
Gundahar I GJÚKUNGAR Leader of the Burgundians (Abt 383-437)
Gebicca (Gjúki, Gifica, Gebicar) DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 353-Abt 407)
Unnamed Princess of the Suevi (Abt 418-)
Unnamed Chieftan of the Suevi (Abt 378-)
Unnamed Princess of the Visigoths (Abt 383-)
Walia, King of the Visigoths (415-419) (Abt 353-Abt 418)
Sigebert I MEROVING King of the Franks in Austrasia (535-575)
Ingonde (Ingunda) VON THÜRINGEN Princess of the Thuringii, Queen of the Franks(499-563)
Balderic (Baderic) VON THÜRINGEN co-king of the Thuringii (Abt 480-Abt 529)
Bessinus (Bisinus) VON THÜRINGEN King of Thuringia (-)
Menia/ Basina DE LANGOBARDI Princess of the Lombards (-)

King Swinthila of the Visigoths (Abt 564-633)
King Reccared I of the Visigoths (Abt 544-601)
Chodoswintha MEROVING of Austrasia (569-)
Leodegild of the Visigoths (After 519-586)
Theodosia DE CARTEGENA (525-)
Amalaric II, King of the Visigoths (511-531) (Abt 495-531)
Theodosia DE CARTEGENA (525-)
Severinus DE CARTEGENA (Abt 500-)
Theodora of the Goths (Est 505-)
Severian (Abt 475-)

King Chinthila of the Visigoths (-640)
Rekiberga (Abt 588-)
Theodora of the Visigoths (Abt 568-)
Sigeburt, King of the Visigoths (Abt 570-621)
King Reccared I of the Visigoths (Abt 544-601)
Unnamed Mistress
Giselle Adele DE RAZÈS (653-676)
Gislica of the Visigoths (Before 638-)
King Fulk Toga of the Visigoths (Before 620-642)
Giselle Adele DE RAZÈS (653-676)
Cte Bera II DE RAZÈS (Abt 620-)
Cte Bera I DE RAZÈS (Abt 600-)
Sigonius of Gaul (Before 570-)  Born: Before 570, Gaul
Adele MEROVING of Austrasia (Before 675-734)
Dagobert II MEROVING King of Austrasia (Abt 652-679)
St. Sigebert III MEROVING King of Austrasia (630-656)
Immachilde (Hymnegilde) (-After 656)
Dagobert I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Neustrian Franks (606-639)
Ragnetrud D' AUSTRASIE (Abt 608-Before 634)
Chlotar/Lothar II "le Jeune", "le Grand" MEROVING King of the Franks in Neustria (584-629)
Ber(th)etrude DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 582-618)
Hugobert D' AUSTRASIE (Abt 585-640)
Chilperic I MEROVING King of the Franks in Soissons (Abt 539-After 584)
King Clotaire (Chlothar) I "The Old" MEROVING King of the Franks in Soissons (497-561)
Arégonde (Arnegundis) VON THÜRINGEN Princess of the Thuringii, Queen of the Franks (Abt 515-573)
Chlodovech (Clovis) I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Salian Franks (463-511)
Frédégonde D' ARDENNES (546-597)
Cte Brunulphe I D' ARDENNES (Abt 503-)
Crotechilde the Ostrogoth (Abt 508-)
Dagobert I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Neustrian Franks (606-639)
Ber(th)etrude DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 582-618)
Ric(h)omer (Richomir) DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 555-)
St. Garitrude AGILOFINGES Abbess of Hamage (Abt 560-649)
Betton D' ORLÉANS Nobleman (525-)
Austregilde Aiga D' ORLÉANS (Abt 530-)
Parovius DE RHEIMS Nobleman (Abt 495-)
VON THÜRINGEN Princess of the Thuringii (Abt 500-)
Pretextat DE RHEIMS a monk (Abt 465-)
Balderic (Baderic) VON THÜRINGEN co-king of the Thuringii (Abt 480-Abt 529)
Dagobert II MEROVING King of Austrasia (Abt 652-679)
St. Sigebert III MEROVING King of Austrasia (630-656)
Immachilde (Hymnegilde) (-After 656)
Dagobert I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Neustrian Franks (606-639)
Ragnetrud D' AUSTRASIE (Abt 608-Before 634)
Gerlinde Eticonides D' ALSACE (679-773)
Odo (Eudo) "the Great" MEROVING Duke of Aquitane (After 640-Abt 735)
Adele MEROVING of Austrasia (Before 675-734)
Boggis MEROVING Duke of Aquitane (After 625-After 685)
St. Ode (Aude) MEROVING (Abt 626-)
Charibert II MEROVING King of the Neustrian Franks (Abt 608-632)
Fulberte (Abt 605-)
Chlotar/Lothar II "le Jeune", "le Grand" MEROVING King of the Franks in Neustria (584-629)
Sichilde D' ARDENNES (Abt 590-)
Chilperic I MEROVING King of the Franks in Soissons (Abt 539-After 584)
Frédégonde D' ARDENNES (546-597)
Cte Brunulphe I D' ARDENNES (Abt 503-)
Crotechilde the Ostrogoth (Abt 508-)
Sichilde D' ARDENNES (Abt 590-)
Cte Brunulphe II D' ARDENNES (Abt 550-)
Cte Brunulphe I D' ARDENNES (Abt 503-)
Crotechilde the Ostrogoth (Abt 508-)

Luitfrid I D' ALSACE Count of Sundgow, Duke of Alsace (707-767)
Duc Adalbert I D' ALSACE (Abt 675-720)
Gerlinde Eticonides D' ALSACE (679-773)
Adalric (Eticho) I D' ALSACE (Abt 645-689)
Berswinde (Bersvinde) DE METZ (Abt 649-744)
Duc Lendisius D' ALSACE (620-Between 666)
Duc Erchembaldus D' ALSACE (Abt 590-661)
Leudefindis (594-688)
Duc Ega D' ALSACE (Abt 570-646)
Gerberga of Franconia (-)
Erchenauld DE MOSELLE (Abt 546-)
Senator Ansbertus (Ausbert) DE MOSELLE Prince of the Sicambrian Franks (Abt 535-611)
Princess Blithildes DE COLOGNE (Abt 538-Abt 603)
Ferreolus DE RODEZ Senator in Narbonne (Abt 475-)
Dode MEROVING Abbess de St. Pierre-de-Rheims (Before 509-)
Tonantius II Ferreolis DE NARBONNE Senator in Narbonne (Est 450-517)
Industrié DE NARBONNE (Abt 450-)
Tonantius I Ferreolus, Prefect of Roman Prætorium in Gaul (Abt 420-After 474)
Papianille of Rome
Ferreolus of Roman Gaul (Est 390-)
Syagria of Roman Gaul (Est 390-)
Flavius Afranius Syagrius of Roman Gaul, Consul (381) (Abt 345-)
Papianille of Rome
Petronius Maximus IV, Western Roman Emperor (455) (Abt 396-455)
Eparchia of Roman Gaul (-)
Anicius Probinus, Consul (395), Pro-consul of Africa (396-7) (-)
Ennodia of Rome
Eparchia of Roman Gaul (-)
Julius/ Philagrius Agricola, Prætorian Prefect of Gaul (416-18), Consul (421) (-)
Magna Major of Rome
Constantine "the Tyrant" AP MACSEN of Rome (-)
Maximus II Magnus Clemens, Western Roman Emperor (383-88)(-388)
St. Elen Llwyddog FERCH EUDAF of the Gewissi (Abt 340-)
Maximus II Magnus Clemens, Western Roman Emperor (383-88) (-388)
Maximianus Constans (322-)
Constantine I "The Great", Founder of the Byzantine Empire (272-337)
Constantius I Chlorus, Western Roman Emperor (Abt 250-306)
Helena Britannica FERCH COEL of Colchester (Abt 248-Abt 328)
Flavius Eutropius of Dardana (Abt 200-)
Claudia Crispina (Abt 226-)
Marcus Aurelius Flavius Claudius Roman Emperor (214-270)
Claudius the Illyrian
Constantine I "The Great", Founder of the Byzantine Empire (272-337)
Helena Britannica FERCH COEL of Colchester (Abt 248-Abt 328)
Coel I Godhebog PENDRAGON King of the Britons (125-170)
Strada FERCH CADVAN of Cambria, Queen of the Britons (Abt 232-Abt 262)
Meric Marius (Cyllin) PENDRAGON King of Siluria (-125)
Penardun FERCH BRAN of Siluria (-)
Gwenivyth (Arviragus) PENDRAGON King Of Siluria (-74)
Genuissa (Venus Julia)(-)
Cunobelinus (Cymbeline) PENDRAGON Chief Of The Cattevelauni People (-17)
unknown queen
Tasciovanus (Tenantius), ÀP LLUDD King of the Britons in The South-East
unknown queen
Lludd Llaw Ereint "The Silver-Haired" AP BELI King Of The Britons 72-62 BCE (80 B.C.-18 B.C.)
unknown queen
Beli Mawr "The Great", Sovereign Lord of the Britons (132 B.C.-)
Manogan AP ENEID of the (legendary) Cambrian Line (-)
unknown queen
Eneid ÀP CERWYD of the (legendary) Cambrian Line (-)
Genuissa (Venus Julia)(-)
Tiberius "Claudius" Drusus Nero Germanicus Roman Emperor (41-54)(10 B.C.-54)
Julia Agrippina "The Younger" (15-59)
Gen. Nero "Drusus" Germanicus Claudius (38 B.C.-9 B.C.)
Antonia "The Younger" (36 B.C.-Abt 37)
Tiberius Claudius Nero (Abt 85 B.C.-32 B.C.)
Empress Livia Drusilla Claudia of Rome (58 B.C.-29)
Drusus Nero CLAUDIUS (Abt 105 B.C.-)
Empress Livia Drusilla Claudia of Rome (58 B.C.-29)
Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, Roman Praetor (50BC) (-42 B.C.)
Aufidia (Alfidia)
Aufidius Lurco (Roman Magistrate)
Marcus Livius Drusus III of Rome, Tribune (91BCE) (-91 B.C.)
Servilia of Rome
Marcus Livius Drusus II of Rome (-109 B.C.)
Cornelia II of Rome
Gaius Livius Drusus of Rome (-)
Marcus Livius Drusus I of Rome (-)
Marcus of Rome
Calavia of Rome
Antonia "The Younger" (36 B.C.-Abt 37)
Gen. Marcus Antonius III, Triumvir of Rome (83 B.C.-30 B.C.)
Octavia "The Younger" (69 B.C.-11 B.C.)
Marcus Antonius Creticus (-71 B.C.)
Julia Antonia of Rome (104 B.C.-40 B.C.)
Marcus Antonius, Roman Orator, Praetor, Consul (143 B.C.-87 B.C.)
Gaius Antonius
Julia Antonia of Rome (104 B.C.-40 B.C.)
Lucius Julius CAESAR III, Roman Consul (Abt 135 B.C.-87 B.C.)
Fulvia of Rome (-)
Lucius Julius CAESAR II (-)
Poppilia LAENATES (-110 B.C.)
Sextus Julius CAESAR II, Roman Consul (156BC) (-)
Sextus Julius CAESAR I, Roman Military Tribune
Lucius Julius CAESAR II (-)
Numerius Julius CAESAR (Before 300 B.C.-)
Lucius Julius LIBO II
Lucius Julius LIBO I (Roman Consul, 267BC)
Fulvia of Rome (-)
Marcus Flaccus II of Rome, Consul (125BCE) (-121 B.C.)
Marcus Flaccus I of Rome, Tribune (180BCE) (-)
Quintus Flaccus of Rome, Consul (238-209BC) (-)
Sulpicia of Rome
Antonia "The Younger" (36 B.C.-Abt 37)
Octavia "The Younger" (69 B.C.-11 B.C.)
Gaius Octavius IV, Roman Governor & Senator (-59 B.C.)
Atia Caesonia BALBA (85 B.C.-43 B.C.)
Caius Octavius III of Rome
Caius Octavius II, Tribune
Enius Octavius Rufus

Atia Caesonia BALBA (85 B.C.-43 B.C.)
Marcus Atius BALBUS (105 B.C.-51 B.C.)
Julia Caesaris "The Younger" (101 B.C.-51 B.C.)
Balbus "The Elder" (148 B.C.-87 B.C.)
Pompeia STRABO
Julia Caesaris "The Younger" (101 B.C.-51 B.C.)
Gaius Julius CAESAR III, Roman Quaestor & Praetor (135 B.C.-85 B.C.)
Aurelia COTTA (120 B.C.-54 B.C.)
Gaius Julius CAESAR III, Roman Quaestor & Praetor (135 B.C.-85 B.C.)
Gaius Julius CAESAR III, Roman Quaestor & Praetor (135 B.C.-85 B.C.)
Quintus Marcius Rex
Sextus Julius CAESAR I, Roman Military Tribune
Julia Caesaris "The Younger" (101 B.C.-51 B.C.)
Aurelia COTTA (120 B.C.-54 B.C.)
Lucius Aurelius COTTA Roman Consul (119BC)
Lucius Aurelius COTTA Roman Consul (144BC)
Julia Agrippina "The Younger" (15-59)
Germanicus Julius Caesar (15 B.C.-19)
Julia Vipsania AGRIPPINA (14 B.C.-33)
Gen. Nero "Drusus" Germanicus Claudius (38 B.C.-9 B.C.)
Tiberius Claudius Nero (Abt 85 B.C.-32 B.C.)
Empress Livia Drusilla Claudia of Rome (58 B.C.-29)
Drusus Nero CLAUDIUS (Abt 105 B.C.-)
Empress Livia Drusilla Claudia of Rome (58 B.C.-29)
Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, Roman Praetor (50BC) (-42 B.C.)
Penardun FERCH BRAN of Siluria (-)
Brân Vendigaid "The Blessed", AP LLYR Archdruid of Siluria
Anna (Enygeus)
Llyr Lleddiarth "Half-Speech", King of Siluria (20-10 BCE)
Penarddun FERCH LLUD Queen of the Britons
Caswallan (Cassivellaunos), King of the Britons (62-48 BCE)
Unknown Queen of the Britons
Beli Mawr "The Great", Sovereign Lord of the Britons (132 B.C.-)
helena Britannica FERCH COEL of Colchester (Abt 248-Abt 328)
Coel I Godhebog PENDRAGON King of the Britons (125-170)
Strada FERCH CADVAN of Cambria, Queen of the Britons (Abt 232-Abt 262)
Cadvan of Cambria (Abt 188-)
Gwladys "the Younger" of Britain (Abt 193-)
Maximianus Daia I, Roman Emperor (-317)
Marcus Aurelius Maximian (-308)
Eparchia of Roman Gaul (-)
Julius/ Philagrius Agricola, Prætorian Prefect of Gaul (416-18), Consul (421) (-)
Magna Major of Rome
Constantine "the Tyrant" AP MACSEN of Rome (-)
Maximus II Magnus Clemens, Western Roman Emperor (383-88)(-388)
St. Elen Llwyddog FERCH EUDAF of the Gewissi (Abt 340-)
Maximus II Magnus Clemens, Western Roman Emperor (383-88) (-388)
Maximianus Constans (322-)
Magna Major of Rome
Constantine "the Tyrant" AP MACSEN of Rome (-)
St. Elen Llwyddog FERCH EUDAF of the Gewissi (Abt 340-)
Eudaf "Hen" (The Old") AP EINYDD King Of Ewyas (Abt 283-)
Einydd AP GWRRDWFM King of the Silures (c.250)
Gorddyfn AP CWRRIG King of the Silures (c.215)
Cwrrig "Mawr" AP MEIRCHION King of the Silures (c.180)
Meirchion AP OWEIN King of the Silures (c.140)
Owain AP COELLYN King of the Silures (Abt 100-)
Coellyn (Cyllin) AP CARADOG (Abt 60-)
Caradog AP BRÂN King of the Silures
Joseph(es) of Arimathea, Bishop of Sarras
Anna (Enygeus)
Ferreolus DE RODEZ Senator in Narbonne (Abt 475-)
Industrié DE NARBONNE (Abt 450-)
Flavius Probus DE NARBONNE (Abt 420-469)
Eulalia of Rome (Abt 425-)
Senator Flavius Magnus DE NARBONNE Roman Consul (460), Prefect in Gaul (469) (Abt 390-475)
Attica of Rome
Magnus of Rome
Enodia of Roman Gaul
Julius/ Philagrius Agricola, Prætorian Prefect of Gaul (416-18), Consul (421) (-)
Magna Major of Rome
Constantine "the Tyrant" AP MACSEN of Rome (-)
Julia Vipsania AGRIPPINA (14 B.C.-33)
Gen. Marcus Vipsanius AGRIPPA Roman Statesman (63 B.C.-12 B.C.)
Julia Caesaris "the Elder" (39 B.C.-14)
Lucius Vipsanius AGRIPPA
Julia Caesaris "the Elder" (39 B.C.-14)
Augustus (Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus) (Octavian) CAESAR (63 B.C.-14)
Scribonia LIBINA (Abt 69 B.C.-16 B.C.)
Gaius Octavius IV, Roman Governor & Senator (-59 B.C.)
Caius Octavius III of Rome
Eulalia of Rome (Abt 425-)
Avitus Eparchius, Western Roman Emperor (455-56) (Abt 395-456)
Julius/ Philagrius Agricola, Prætorian Prefect of Gaul (416-18), Consul (421) (-)
Magna Major of Rome
Constantine "the Tyrant" AP MACSEN of Rome (-)

Gerberga of Franconia (-)

Duke Richimeres of Franconia (Abt 538-)
Duchess Gertrudis of Franconia (-658)

Princess Blithildes DE COLOGNE (Abt 538-Abt 603)

Wultrade DE LANGOBARDI Princess of the Lombards (530-572)

Austricuse (Austrigusa) DE GEPIDES Princess of the Gepidae (Abt 504-)

Elemundo DE GEPIDES King of the Gepidae (Abt 478-)

Waccho(n) DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 485-554)

Zucchilo DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 463-)

Unknown Queen (-)

Claffo DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 433-490)

Unknown Queen (-)

Claffo DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 433-490)

Gudeoc (Godehoc) DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 403-)
Godeon DE LANGOBARDI Queen of the Lombards (Abt 444-)
Mildeon DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 373-)
Leth DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 343-)


Duchess Hedwige (Oda) DI FRIULI+

Gisele CAROLING Princess of the Holy Roman Empire (Abt 820-874)

Gf Eberhard IM SÜLICHGAU di Friuli

Ludwig (Louis I "Le Pieux") CAROLING King of the Frank, Holy Roman Emperor

Judith VON BAYERN Princess of Bavaria+

Welf (Guelph) I VON BAYERN Herzog of Bavaria+


Conrad D' AUXERRE Count of Aargau & Auxerre

Adela (Adelheid) DE TOURS (Abt 802-)

Hugues III D' ALSACE Count of Upper Alsace & Tours (765-Abt 839)

Bava (Ava) DE TOURS (Abt 779-860)

Luitfride II D' ALSACE Count of Upper Alsace (Abt 740-780)

Hiltrude D' ALSACE (744-830)

Luitfrid I D' ALSACE Count of Sundgow, Duke of Alsace (707-767)


Ludwig (Louis I "Le Pieux") CAROLING King of the Frank, Holy Roman Emperor

Judith VON BAYERN Princess of Bavaria (Abt 800-843)

Karl "The Great" (Charlemagne) CAROLING King of the Franks (742-813)

Hildegarde VON VINZGAU Queen of the Allemanni (758-783)

Pépin "Le Bref" CAROLING Mayor of Neustria, King of the Franks (714-768)

Bertrada "au Grand Pied" DE LAON Countess of Laon, Queen of the Franks (Abt 721-783)

Karl (Carolus) "Martel" NIBELUNG (676-741)

Chrotrud (Rotrudis) DE TRÈVES Duchess of Austrasia (Abt 690-724)

Pépin II "le Gros" NIBELUNG Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia (Abt 635-714)

Alpais (Aupais, Elphide, Chalpaida) (concubine) (654-705)

Ansegisel (Anchises) MEROVING Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia (632-638) (Abt 607-678)

St. Begga DE LANDEN Abbess of Andenne (613-693)

Arnoul (Arnoldus, Arnulf) MEROVING Bishop of Metz (c.616-640) (582-640)

Dode (Ode, Doda) DE METZ of Saxony (586-611)

Bodegisel II MEROVING Governor of Aquitaine (565-Abt 610)

St. Ode (Chrodoare) SUEVIAN of the Suevi, Abbesse d'Amay (589-634)

(Abt 560-Abt 634)

Gondolfus MEROVING Bishop of Tongres (599) (Abt 530-Abt 607)

D' ANGOULÊME (Abt 533-)

Mundéric MEROVING Lord of Vitry-en-Parthois (Abt 500-)

Arthemia DE GENÈVE (Abt 515-)

Chloderic "The Parricide" MEROVING King of Cologne (Abt 475-509)

Unknown Queen of the Franks (-)

Siegbert "The Lame" MEROVING King of Cologne (505-)

Unknown Queen of the Franks (-)

Childebert I MEROVING King of Paris (Abt 497-558)

Vultrogothe Queen of the Franks (-After 558)

Chlodovech (Clovis) I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Salian Franks (463-511)

Karl (Carolus) "Martel" NIBELUNG (676-741)
Chrotrud (Rotrudis) DE TRÈVES Duchess of Austrasia (Abt 690-724)
St. Leutwinus (Liutwin) DE TRÈVES Bishop of Trèves
(Abt 655-Between 715)
Willigarde AGILOFINGES Dame de Trèves (Abt 666-)
Guerin (Gerwin, Warin, Warinus) DE POITIERS Count of Paris
Kunza (Gunza) DE METZ (Abt 643-)
Bodilon DE TRÈVES Nobleman of Austrasia, Neustria, or Burgundy (Abt 615-)
Sigrada (Sigrée) DE SOISSONS (Abt 617-After 677)
DE BOURGOGNE Mayor of the Palace of Neustria
(Abt 590-Abt 627)
AGILOFINGES Noblewoman of Meaux (Abt 593-)
Garnier I DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 565-)
Gondebald AGILOFINGES Nobleman of Meaux (Abt 568-)
Agivald AGILOFINGES Frankish nobleman (After 500-)
Agilulf DES FRANKEN (Abt 475-)
GJÚKUNGAR Princess of Burgundy (Abt 475-500)
Godegisel GJÚKUNGAR King of the Burgundians in Vienne & Geneva (Abt 443-Abt 501)
Theodelinde (Abt 445-)

Sigrada (Sigrée) DE SOISSONS (Abt 617-After 677)
Ansaud DE DIJON Nobleman (Abt 594-)
DE METZ (Abt 595-)
DE DIJON Nobleman (Abt 570-)
Desire DE DIJON Nobleman (Abt 510-549)
DE TOULOUSE Noblewoman (Abt 510-)
Gundebald DE LYON Nobleman (Abt 485-)
DE SOISSONS Noblewoman (Abt 485-)
Augin DE SOISSONS Nobleman (Abt 455-)
Agia (Abt 460-)
Latinus DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 465-)
Syagria DE LYON Noblewoman (Abt 470-After 500)
Syagrius DE BOURGOGNE Legislator before 470 in Burgundy
(Between 430-)
GJÚKUNGAR Princess of the Burgundians
(Abt 455-)
Gundoba(l)d GJÚKUNGAR King of the Burgundians (473-516)
(Abt 433-Abt 516)
Unnamed wife/mistress
Gundioc (Gunderic, Gundowech) GJÚKUNGAR King of Burgundy
Unnamed Princess of the Suevi (Abt 418-)
Unnamed Chieftan of the Suevi (Abt 378-)
Unnamed Princess of the Visigoths (Abt 383-)
Walia, King of the Visigoths (415-419) (Abt 353-Abt 418)
Sigrada (Sigrée) DE SOISSONS (Abt 617-After 677)
Ansaud DE DIJON Nobleman (Abt 594-)
DE METZ (Abt 595-)
Leutharius DE METZ (Abt 575-)
Gerberge DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 578-)
Erchenaud DE METZ (Abt 555-)
Ric(h)omer (Richomir) DE BOURGOGNE (Abt 555-)
St. Garitrude AGILOFINGES Abbess of Hamage (Abt 560-649)
Betton D' ORLÉANS Nobleman (525-)
Austregilde Aiga D' ORLÉANS (Abt 530-)
Parovius DE RHEIMS Nobleman (Abt 495-)
VON THÜRINGEN Princess of the Thuringii (Abt 500-)
St. Garitrude AGILOFINGES Abbess of Hamage (Abt 560-649)
Theodebald AGILOFINGES Nobleman of Bavaria (Abt 520-)
Agivald AGILOFINGES Frankish nobleman (After 500-)
Agilulf DES FRANKEN (Abt 475-)
GJÚKUNGAR Princess of Burgundy (Abt 475-500)
Godegisel GJÚKUNGAR King of the Burgundians in Vienne & Geneva (Abt 443-Abt 501)
Theodelinde (Abt 445-)
Karl (Carolus) "Martel" NIBELUNG (676-741)
Chrotrud (Rotrudis) DE TRÈVES Duchess of Austrasia (Abt 690-724)
Guerin (Gerwin, Warin, Warinus) DE POITIERS Count of Paris
Kunza (Gunza) DE METZ
(Abt 643-)
St. Clodulphe DE METZ Bishop of Metz (657-697) (596-690)
Arnoul (Arnoldus, Arnulf) MEROVING Bishop of Metz (c.616-640)
Dode (Ode, Doda) DE METZ of Saxony (586-611)
Bodegisel II MEROVING Governor of Aquitaine (565-Abt 610)
St. Ode (Chrodoare) SUEVIAN of the Suevi, Abbesse d'Amay (589-634) (Abt 560-Abt 634)
Willigarde AGILOFINGES Dame de Trèves (Abt 666-)
Theodon AGILOFINGES (-713)
Folchaid VON SALZBURG (633-)
Robert VON SALZBURG (Abt 600-677)
Theodora (Abt 610-)
Theodon I AGILOFINGES Duke of Bavaria (-672)
Gleisnod VON BAYERN (Abt 602-)
Garibald II AGILOFINGES Duke of Bavaria (585-625)
Geila DI FRIULI (610-)
Tassilon I AGILOFINGES Duke of Bavaria (Between 555-Between 592)
Unknown Duchess of Bavaria (-)
Garibald I AGILOFINGES Duke of Bavaria (525-592)
Waldrada (Walderade, Vuldetrade) DE LANGOBARDI (540-)
Agivald AGILOFINGES Frankish nobleman (After 500-)
Agilulf DES FRANKEN (Abt 475-)
GJÚKUNGAR Princess of Burgundy (Abt 475-500)
Waldrada (Walderade, Vuldetrade) DE LANGOBARDI (540-)
Waccho(n) DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 485-554)
Austricuse (Austrigusa) DE GEPIDES Princess of the Gepidae
(Abt 504-)
Elemundo DE GEPIDES King of the Gepidae (Abt 478-)
Zucchilo DE LANGOBARDI King of the Lombards (Abt 463-)
Unknown Queen (-)
Karl "The Great" (Charlemagne) CAROLING King of the Franks (742-813)
Hildegarde VON VINZGAU Queen of the Allemanni (758-783)
Pépin "Le Bref" CAROLING Mayor of Neustria, King of the Franks (714-768)
Bertrada "au Grand Pied" DE LAON Countess of Laon, Queen of the Franks (Abt 721-783)
Bertrada VON KÖLN (Abt 700-)
Comte <Martin> DE LAON (Abt 680-)
Bertrada MEROVING de Prüm (680-Before 704)
Chariveus DE LAON (660-Between 692)
Irmina D' AUSTRASIE (660-After 704)
Hugobert D' AUSTRASIE Seneschal of the Franks (635-Abt 697)
Irmina D' OEREN (-)
Chugus (Chucus, Hugh) D' AUSTRASIE Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia (617-623) (-)
Dux Theotar D' AUSTRASIE (-)

Theuderic (Theodoric) III MEROVING King of the Franks
Dode MEROVING (After 651-694)
Clovis II "le Fainéant" MEROVING King of the Franks
(Abt 634-657)
St. Bathilde (-685)
Dagobert I "The Great" MEROVING King of the Neustrian Franks
Nanthild DE NEUSTRIE (Between 608-642)
Sandregisisle DE BOBIGNY Mayor of the Palace in Neustria (Abt 585-)
Dode MEROVING (After 651-694)
Ansegisel (Anchises) MEROVING Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia (632-638) (Abt 607-678)
St. Begga DE LANDEN Abbess of Andenne (613-693)
Pépin (Pippin) I "le Vieux" DE LANDEN Mayor of Austrasia
(Abt 591-639)
Idoberga DE METZ fondatrice Nivelles (Between 592-657)
Carloman DE LANDEN Mayor of Austrasia (Abt 560-645)
Gertrude AGILOFINGES of Bavaria (After 556-)
Garibald I AGILOFINGES Duke of Bavaria (525-592)
Waldrada (Walderade, Vuldetrade) DE LANGOBARDI (540-)
Idoberga DE METZ fondatrice Nivelles (Between 592-657)
Arnoald (Arnoldus) DE METZ Bishop of Metz (601-611)
(Abt 560-Abt 611)
Oda (Abt 564-)

starting points into antiquity:
Robert I DE BOURGOGNE King of the West Franks (Abt 866-923)
Béatrice DE VERMANDOIS Queen of France (Abt 880-931)
Heinrich I "The Fowler" VON SACHSEN Duke of Saxony, King of Germany (876-936)
St. Mathilda (Mechtilde) VON RINGELHEIM Countess of Ringelheim (878-968)

Many thanks to for the data.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Queen of France

Surname update page

Updated 2017, July. with recent surnames, quite a few names are not yet listed here.

The older surnames include their full names, which helps with look-ups.

After the Rollo group and Capet group, there are many lines that precede for centuries more, such as The Holy Roman Emperors. My Grandmother & Grandfather 's lines meet at Richard I The Fearless Duke Of Normandy.

a few genealogy links are:


house of names


My Grandfather's line: My Vaux Heredity is from: Scotland, England, France, Spain, Italy & Hungary

*a "blason" alteration and artisan update,is the gold and black crest, the one with the 3 bears, because it states animal cruelity.

Lines of the kings are inner-spersed with other names, (so far, the king's and queens are found thru either vaux-uchtred mcdowell-kennedy to the scottish kings, or vaux-rochette-mary may abernathy to england and france, etc.)

There are 3 de Vaux lines, that I've found so far, leading into Hubert seigneur de Vallibus de Vaux, 1035. However, only my particular surnames are listed below.

~gen. 5: Vaux, Shuttlesworth,

~gen. 6: Elizabeth Rockett,

~gen. 7: Brank, rockett, abernathy,

~gen. 8: Colville, carothers, 1725/1732,

~gen. 9: Hogue or Hoge, Landals, Ware, Abernathy III, Harwell, abernathy II,

~gen. 10: John Of Coagh, Vance, , Williamson, Hoge, Adams, Abernathy II, Tillman,

~gen. 11: Dr. Lancelot Francis Vance Vans, Euphemia Agnes Reiney or Bainey or Murray, Code Or Coode, Abernathy I, Cubisha/Coppage/Cabbage, Tilghman, Tilghman Austin, Berry Line to left,

~gen. 12: Sir John Vance, Shaw or Williams, Stevens, Code, Badcock, Abernathy Debarrie, Cabbage, Bell, Devonshire,

~gen. 13: Sir John Vans of Barnbarroch, Knight , Margaret Macdowell of Garthland, Drywood, Bligh, Copsey, Angers, Saunders, Blount, Devereaux Rich,

~gen. 14: Sir Patrick Vans of Barnbarroch, Laird of Barnbarroch, Kennedy, Uchtred MacDowall of Garthland, 10th Lord of Garthland, Margaret Stewart of Methven, Standon, Stewart, Cabbage, Benson, Leigh, Devereaux, Knollys, Pendreth,

~gen. 15: Sir John Vans of Barnbarroch, McCulloch, John MacDowall of Garthland, Campbell, Henry Stewart, 1st Lord of Methven, Janet Stewart, Countess Dowager of Sutherland, Keith, Perkyns Or Willougby, Hastings, Wheatonhall,

~gen. 16: Sir Patrick Vans of Barnbarroch, Laird of Barnbarroch, Kennedy, Uchtred MacDowall of Garthland, 8th Lord of Garthland, Marion Stewart of Garlies, Andrew Stewart, 1st Lord Avandale, Margaret Kennedy, Hay Of Erroll, Gray, Kebler, Sanders, Mackerness, Berkeley,

~gen. 17: Kennedy, Thomas MacDowall, younger of Garthland , Isobell Stewart of Garlies, Walter Stewart of Morphie, Elizabeth Arnot, John Kennedy, 2nd Lord Kennedy , Elizabeth Gordon, Lyon, Douglas, Berkeley, Saunders, Neville,

~gen. 18: Sir Blaise Vans of Barnbarroch, Laird of Barnbarroch, Shaw, Uchtred MacDowall of Garthland, 7th Lord of Garthland, Isobell Gordon of Lochinvar, Sir Walter Stewart of Lennox, Master of Fife, Janet Erskine, Gilbert Kennedy of Dunure, 1st Lord Kennedy, Catherine Maxwell of Glamis, Ogilvy, Gordon, Byron, Joan De Carew, Holt, De Neville, Fenne,

~gen. 19: Robert Vaux, Graham, Thomas MacDowall of Garthland, Murdoch Stewart, Duke Of Albany, Isabella, Countess of Lennox, Sir James Kennedy of Dunure the Younger, Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus, Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, Ayrshire,, Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, Ayrshire,, Wylie, De Carew, Hayton, Fitzhugh, Edward Neville, 5th Lord Abergavenny, Beauchamps,

~gen. 20: John or Johannis de Vans, Kennedy of Dunure, Uchtred MacDowall of Garthland, 5th Lord of Garhland, Daughter of Robert Vans, Robert Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany , Countess of Menteith Margaret Menteith Stewart, Sir Gilbert Kennedy of Dunure, Agnes Maxwell of Pollok, King Of Scotland Robert Stewart III, Drummond, Abernathy, Borthwick, Fraser, Betteshorne, De Neville, De Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland,

~gen. 21: William de Vans, Douglas, Sir Thomas MacDowall of Garochloyne , Wallace of Auchinbothy, Robert II, king of Scots, Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan, Sir John Kennedy of Dunure, Mary Montgomery, De Keith, Heiress Of Troupe, Clivedon, Percy, John Of Gaunt, Swynford De Roet,

~gen. 22: Johannis de Vaux, Dominus de Dirleton, Fergus MacDowall of Garochloyne, 3rd Lord of Garochloyne, King Of Scotland Robert Stewart II, Mure, Sir Gilbert de Carrick (Kennedy), Agnes Maxwell of Pollok, Abernathy Debarrie, Fraser, Malemaynes, Eve De La Zouche, Baroness, King Of England 3, Hainhault,

~gen. 23: De Vaux, Dougall MacDowall of Garochloyne, 2nd Lord of Garochloyne, Bruce, Gilbert de Carrick , Mary de Carrick, Synton, De Ferrers, De La Zouche, Of Haryngworth, De Cantelou, King Of England 2, Isabele Of England Et France, William De Hainaut, Joan Of Valois,

~gen. 24: Johannes de Vallibus, Of Strathearn, Dougal (Dubhghall) MacDowall of Garochloyne, 2nd Laird of Garochloyne, De Burgh, Roland de Carrick, of Carrick, Mathilda de Levington, Seton, Tuitt, Isabel Fitzrichard, William De Ferrers 5th Earl Of Derby, Margaret De Quincy, De La Zouche, Biset, King Of England 1, Eleanor of Castile, King Philip IV Of France “The Fair”, Joan I Of Navarre, De Hainhault, Philippa De Luxembourg, Charles Of Valois, Margaret Countess Of Anjou,

~gen. 25: Comyn, Fitzrobert, Donald MacDowall of Garochloyne, 1st Lord of Garochloyne, Macrory, Niall mac Dhonnchad, 2nd Earl of Carrick, Margaret Stewart, Countess of Carrick, Marshall, De Berkeleyns, Joan De Somery, William De Ferrers 4th Earl Of Derby, Lady Agnes De Keveliock, Le Meschines, De Belmeis, Henry III of England, Eleanor of Provence, Ferdinand III Of Castile, Joan Countess Of Ponthieu, King Philip III Of France “The Bold”, Isabella Of Aragon, John I Of Avenes, Adelaide Of Holland, Henry V of Luxembourg, Margaret of Bar, King Philip III Of France “The Bold”, Isabella Of Aragon, Charles II Of Naples, Mary Of Hungary,

~gen. 26: Randulph de Vaux, of Tremayne, De Graham, Dougal MacDowall, Fitzalan, De Angus, Donnchadh I mac Gilbert, 1st Earl of Carrick, Avelina (FitzAlan) mac Gilbert, De Courcy, Maurice Fitzrobert Fitzharding, Alice De Berkeley, William De Ferrers 3rd Earl Of Derby, Sybil De Braose, Hugh de Kevelioc, 5th Earl of Chester, Bertrade De Montfort, De La Zouche De Porhoet And Rohan, De Bretagne, John, King of England, Isabella, Countess of Angoulême, Alfonso IX Of Leon, Berangaria Of Castile, King Louis IX Of France, Margaret Of Provence, Bouchard Iv Of Avesnes, Margaret Ii Of Flanders, Floris IV Count Of Holland, Matilda Of Brabant, Waleran III, Duke of Limburg, Joan Of Valois, Charles I Of Naples, Beatrice of Provence, Stephen V Of Hungary, Elizabeth The Cuman,

~gen. 27: "Hubert de Vallibus", "Lord of Gilsland", "baron of gillesland", De Vallibus De Vaux, Grecia (Grace) of CUMBERLAND, Uchtred mac Fergus, Lord of Galloway , Gunhild, of Allerdale, Fitzwalter, Marr, Gilbert mac Fergus, Lord of Galloway, Aufrica of Fife, Fitz De Carew, Robert Fitzrobert Fitzharding, Fitzestmond, Robert De Ferrers Earl Of Derby, Margaret Peverel, Ranulf de Gernon, 4th Earl of Chester, Fitzrobert, De La Zouche De Porhoet, Anne De Leon, Alain Iv Fergant, Duc De Bretagne, Ermangarde D'anjou, Henry II, King of England, Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, Ferdinand II Of Leon, Urraca Of Portugal, King Louis VIII Of France “the Lion”, Blanche Of Castile, Nicholas D'oisy Lord Of Avesnes, Matida De La Roche, William I Of Holland, Adelaide Of Guelders, Henry III of Limburg, King Louis VIII Of France “the Lion”, Blanche Of Castile, Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence and Forcalquier, Beatrice of Savoy, Bela IV Of Hungary, Maria Laskarina, Gertrude Of Merania,

~gen. 28: Lord Harold de Vaux of Normandy, Miss De Munchensy, Fergus, Lord of Galloway, Elizabeth FitzRoy, Fitzwilliam De Carew, De Courcy, Harding, Lividia, Robert Iii De Ferrers Earl Of Derby, Hawsie De Vitre, Ranulf le Meschin, 3rd Earl of Chester, Lucia Of Mercia, Robert De Caen; Robert Fitzroy, 1st Earl of Gloucester, Maud Fitz Hamon, Hoel V De Cornouille, Hawise De Bretagne, Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou, Empress Matilda, Alfonso VII Of Leon And Castile, Berenguela Of Barcelona, King Phillip II Of France, Isabelle Of Hainaut, Alfonso VIII Of Castile & Toledo, Eleanor of England, Walter I Lord Of Avesnes, Ada Of Tournai, Floris III Of Holland, Ada Of Huntingdon, Henry II, Matilda of Saffenberg, Alfonso II, Count of Provence, Garsenda, Countess of Forcalquier, Thomas I of Savoy, Margaret of Geneva, Andrew II Of Hungary, Gertrude Of Merania,

~gen. 29: De Vaux III, Fitzgerald , Fitzrichard Or Fitztancred, Eadnoth, Henry De Ferrers, Earl Of Derby, Bertha De L'aigle, Ranulph,”De Briquessart” , Ranulf the Viscount, Margaret Goz, Henry I 'Beauclerc', King Of England, Elizabeth De Bellomont, Fitz Hamon, Allarum, Alain Caqniart De Bretagne, Judith De Nantes, Alain Iii Of Bretagne, Bertha De Blois, Fulk, King of Jerusalem, Ermengarde, Countess of Maine, Raymond Of Burgandy, Urraca Of Leon And Castile, King Louis VII Of France, Adele Of Champagne, Sansho III, Blanche of Navarre, Dirk VI Of Holland, Sophia Of Rheineck, Sophie of Salm, Countess of Bentheim, Henry Of Scotland Earl Of Huntingdon, Ada Of Warenne, Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine, Joan Of Valois, Alfonso II King of Aragon, Sancha of Castile, Umberto III Count of Savoy “The Blessed”, Bela III Of Hungary, Agnes Of Antioch,

~gen. 30: De Vaux , De Carew, Marrio Fitz Gerald De Carew (de Montgomery), Walchelin De Ferrieres, Seigneur De Ferrers & Chambrais, Mahaut De Durbury, Guillaume (William) I “The Conquerer”, De Normandie, King Of England, Matilda De Flanders, Queen Of England, Geoffroi I Of Bretagne, Hawisa (hedweg) De Bretagne, Fulk IV of Anjou , Bertrade de Montfort, William I “The Great”, Count of Burgundy, Stephanie, King Louis VI Of France “le Gros”, Adelaide Of Maurienne, Floris II Of Holand, Petronilla Of Lorraine, Otto I, Count of Salm, Mother Gertrud Of Northeim, David I King Of Scotland, Maud Of Northumbria Countess Of Huntingdon, William De Warenne 2nd Earl Of Surrey, Elizabeth De Vermandois, Henry, Duke of Lower Lorraine, Adelheid von Botenstein, Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, Petronilla, Queen of Aragon, Amadeus III of Savoy, Mahaut of Albon, Geza II Of Hungary, Euphrosyne Of Kiev,

~gen. 31: De Vaux III, Fitz-Walters, De Munchensi, De Munchensi, Gerald Fitzwalter De Windsor, Nesta Frech Rhys, Princess Of Deheubarth, Henry De Ferrieres, Duc Robert “The Magnificent” De Normandy, Herleve De Falaise, De Bretagne, Allarum, Richard I “san Peur” De Normandy, Un-Named Mistress, Geoffrey II, Count of Gâtinais, Ermengarde of Anjou, Duchess of Burgundy, Renaud I (Reginald) Count Of Burgandy, Alice Of Normandy, King Philip I Of France “the Amorous”, Bertha Of Holland, Dirk V Count Of Holland, Othelhilde, Theodoric II, Duke of Lorraine, Hedwige of Formbach, Hermann of Salm, Sophia of Formbach, Malcolm III King Of Scotland, Margaret Of England, Waltheof Earl Of Northumbria, Judith Of Lens, William De Warenne 1st Earl Of Surrey, Gundred, Hugh Of France Count Of Vermandois, Adela Of Vermandois, Waleran I of Limburg, Jutta of Lower Lorraine, Ramon Berenguer III The Great, Count of: Barcelona, Girona & Ausona, Beysalu, Cerdanya, Provence & Holy Roman Empire, Douce I, Countess of Provence, Humbert II of Savoy, Gisela of Burgundy, Bela II Of Hungary, Helena Of Rascia,

~gen. 32: De Vaux , Munchensi, Fitzotho, Engenulf De Ferrieres, Richard II “Le Bon” De Normandie , Duke Of., Judith De Rennes, De Bretagne, Hugues du Perche, Count of Gâtinais, Béatrice de Mâcon, Otto-Wiliam Count Of Burgandy, Ermentrude Of Reims And Roucy, King Henry I Of France, Anne Of Kiev, Floris I Of Holland, Gertude Of Saxony, Gérard, Duke of Lorraine, Hedwige of Namur, Giselbert of Luxembourg, Duncan I, King of Alba, Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine, Gerberga, Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona, Matilda of Apulia, Amadeus II of Savoy, Joan of Geneva, Almos Of Hungary, Predslava Of Kiev,

~gen. 33: Munchensi, Sonstable Otheus De Stanwell, Saxon Baron Of England, Richard I “Sans Peur” De Normandie, Gonner D'arques, Fulcois, the Count of Perche, Melisende, Adalbert Of Ivrea (Italy), Gerberga Of Macon, King Robert II Of France “the Pious”, Constance Of Arles, Dirk III, Count of Holland, Othelindis, Bernard II, Duke of Saxony, Eilika of Schweinfurt, Gérard de Bouzonville, Gisela, Frederick of Luxembourg, Crínán of Dunkeld, Ermentrude, Countess of Gleiberg, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, Almodis de La Marche, Otto, Count of Savoy, Adelaide, Margravine of Turin; of Suza, Geza I Of Hungary, Sofia,

~gen. 34: Baron Otterus Gherardini, Wiliam I “longsword” De Normandie, Sprota De Vermandois, Fulcuich, Count of Mortagne, Melisende, Viscountess of Châteaudun, Berengar Of Ivrea “King Otto”, Willa Of Tuscany, Hugh Capet, Adelaide Of Aquitaine, Arnulf, Luitgard of Luxemburg, Bernard I, Duke of Saxony, Hildegard, Henry of Schweinfurt, Gerberga of Gleiberg, Siegfried of Luxembourg, Count of the Ardennes, Hedwig of Nordgau, Berenguer Ramon I the Crooked, Sancha Sanchez, Humbert I of Savoy, Ancilla of Lenzburg, Bela I Of Hungary, Richeza or Adelaide Of Poland, Richeza was Queen of Hungary, King Mieszko II Lambert ,

~gen. 35: Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' of Normandy, Poppa of Bayeaux, Rotrou, Seigneur de Nogen, Adalbert I King Of Italy (Ivrea), Gisela Of Friuli, Hugh The Great, Hedwige Of Saxony, Dirk II, Hildegarde of Flanders, Siegfried of Luxembourg, Count of the Ardennes, Hedwig of Nordgau, Herman, Oda, Berthold of Schweinfurt, Eilika of Walbeck, Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona, Ermesinde of Carcassonne, Amadeus, Count of Belley, Vazul, Lady Of The Clan Tatony, Adelaides father, Casimir II The Just, Helen of Znojmo,

~gen. 36: Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre, Anscar I of Ivrea, Margrave of Ivrea, Willa Of Tuscany, Dirk I, Geva, Wigeric of Lotharingia, Cunigunda, Count Billung von Stubenskorn, Ermengarde of Nantes, Popponids, Borrell II Count of Barcelona, Letgarda de Rouergue, Michael,

~gen. 37: Eystein Ivarsson the Noisy Glumra , Ásdís (Ascrida) Ragnvaldsdóttir, House of Billung, Sunyar Count of Barcelona, Taksony,

~gen. 38: Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl , House of Barcelona, Zoltan, Menumoruts, Un-Named Daughter,

~gen. 39: Arpad,


Mother's side: My Grandfather's Mother's Line: from England, Germany, France, & Switzerland


~gen. 5: Easterly,

~gen. 6: Davis, Farmer,

~gen. 7: Kyle, Berry, Fudge, Pankey,

~gen. 8: Isbell, Temple Kyle, Harpine, Burkhalter, Smith,

~gen. 9: Thomas , Isbell Sr., Callaway, Taylor Calloway, Taylor, Lewis, Zirkle, Gregory, Burkhalter Ii, Denzler, Panky Panetier, Hampton, Bryant,

~gen. 10: Mann, Pope Or Crudup, Isbell, Cox, Calloway, Woodson, Gray, Burkhalter I, Sr, Walthers, Wettstein, Neilsen, Panetierre, Mrs. John Panetierre, Bayley,

~gen. 11: Lewis, Cary, Hooker, William De Berry, Herbeine, Feeld, Schenkel, Panetier, Stokes, Bailey,

~gen. 12: Cocke, Bolitho, Cary, Milner, Turner, Wetzstein, Binderin, Claveau,

~gen. 13: Pearce, Pascoe, Taylor, Ball, Pantier Or Panetier, Garnier Or Lavillan,

~gen. 14: Phillip, Avies, Harry, Hobson, Bergerat,

~gen. 15: Pears, Johen, Florence, Constance, Goodall, Hargrave,

~gen. 16: Edwards, Dennis,

~gen. 17: Herle,

~gen. 18: Huddy,

~gen. 19: Paulet,

~gen. 20: Orchard,

~gen. 21: Hankeford,

~gen. 22: Holloway,

~gen. 23:

~gen. 24: L'arckendeke,


My Mother's side: My Grandmother's Father's line: from England & Ireland & Norway


~gen. 5: Thomas,

~gen. 6: Libby,

~gen. 7: Grove, Knowles,

~gen. 8: Blake, Berry,

~gen. 9: Bennett, Knowles,

~gen. 10: Wallace Or Wallis, Drake, Wallis,

~gen. 11: Mrs Jane Drake, Goddard, Locke Hermin,

~gen. 12: Lybbye, Jane Drake, Welthen, Thaddeus John Hermins, Locke,

~gen. 13: Zevie, Baron, Merrylls, Christopher Locke Of Pensfeld, Anne Sackville,

~gen. 14: Browne, Everard, Matthew Locke Of Pensfeld, Catherine Seymour,

~gen. 15: Butler (Boteler), Lok, Anne, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke Of Somerset Brother To: Jane Seymour Queen Consort Of England Wife Of King Henry VIII, Lady Anne Seymour, Duchess Of Somerset (entombed In Westminster Abbey-Father Is Stanhope),

~gen. 16: Sewy, Sir John Boteler Kt., Locke, Cooke, Sir John Seymour Of Wulfhall, Margery Wentworth, Sir Edward Stanhope, Of Rampton & Houghton, Kt, Elizabeth Bourchier Page,

~gen. 17: Boteler, Wilcocke, Sir John Seymour, Darrell, Thomas Stanhope, Margaret Mary Jernegan, Fulk Bourchier, 10th Lord Fitzwarin, Elizabeth Dynham,

~gen. 18: Langston, Bulstrode, John Seymour, Sheriff Of Wiltshire; , Coker, Sir John Stanhope, Sheriff Of Nottingham And Stanhope, Elizabeth Talbot, William Bourchier, 9th Baron Fitzwarin , Thomasine Bourchier, Heiress, 9th Baroness Fitzwarin,

~gen. 19: Sir Ralph Butler Of Badminton, De Berwyk, John Langston, III, Margaret Danvers, John Locke, Sheriff Of London , Elizabeth Valdrian Or Dame Yorke, Lady / Baroness Isabel Seymour Macwilliam, Richard Stanhope, II, Of Rampton, Elizabeth 'Isabella' Markham, William Bourchier, 1st Count Of Eu , Anne Of Gloucester, Countess Of Stafford,

~gen. 20: Nicolas Drake II, Grenville, James Butler 3rd Earl Of Ormond, Anne Butler Countess Of Ormond, John Langston Jr, Denton, John De Brancestre Danvers-"John D'anvers"- Lord Of Ipswell & Oxfordshire And Earl Of Waterstock, Joan Mauntell (Bruley), Locke, Roger Seymour, Of Hatch Beauchamp , Maud Esturmy, Sir Richard Stanhope, Kt., Mp, Joanna De Staveley, Sir William De Bourchier , Eleanor De Louvain, Countess Of Essex, Thomas Of Woodstock, 1st Duke Of Gloucester, Lady Eleanor De Bohun,

~gen. 21: Nicolas Drake I, James Butler 2nd Earl Of Ormond, Elizabeth Hereford Countess Of Ormond, Grimsby, John Langston Sr, Grimsby, Webb, Richard Danvers, De Brancestor, Sir John Bruley Of Broncroft Castle , Quartermain, William Seymour Mp, Brockbury, John Stanhope, Sir, Elizabeth Maulovel, Robert De Bourchier, 1st Baron Bourchier, Lord Chancellor Of England, Baroness Margaret De Prayers, Countess Of Essex, Sir John De Lovaine, Of Little Easton, Margaret De Louvaine (de Weston), Edward III Of England , Philippa Of Hainault, Queen Consort Of England, Humphrey De Bohun, 7th Earl Of Hereford, Joan Fitzalan, Countess Of Hereford,

~gen. 22: Roger Drake, James Butler (Boteler) 1st Earl Of Ormond, Eleanor De Bohun Countess Of Ormonde, Langston, John D'anvers Of Bourton & Ipswell , Isabel De La Lee, Sir John De Brancestor, Knight, Russell, Roger Seymour De St Maur, Beauchamps, Richard Stanhope, Alice Stanhope (Houghton), Sir John Bourchier, Kt. , Helen De Colchester, Sir Thomas De Prayers (de Praers), Knight, Margaret De Essex, Thomas Fitz Matthew De Louvaine, Knight, Joan De Basing, Sir Thomas Weston, Kinght, William De Bohun, 1st Earl Of Northampton, Elizabeth De Badlesmere, Countess Of Northampton,

~gen. 23: Joan Butler Countess Carrick, Simon D'anvers Of Bourton & Tetworth , Alice Opswell, William De La Lee, Isabel, John Or William De Brancestre, The Goldsmith, Sybill De Brancestre, Catherine, Roger Seymour De St Maur (II), Damarell, Ellota De Longvilliers, Sir Richard De Hoghton, Mp, Sybil De Lea, Lady Of Mollington, Robert De Bourchier, Knight, Emma, Walter De Colchester, Joan De Colchester (Munchensy), Richard De Praers, Johanna Crewe, Matthew II De Louvaine, Maud De Louvaine, Sir John De Weston Of Weston And Newton, Lady Isabella De Bromley, Humphrey VIII De Bohun, 4th Earl Of Herford, Elizabeth Of Rhuddlan, Countess Of Hereford,

~gen. 24: Theobald Le Botiller 4th Chief Butler Of Ireland, Joan Fitzgeoffrey, Robert D'anvers Of Bourton, Ipswell & Chiselhampton, Nn D’anvers, Agnes, Alan De Brancestre , Imania De Brancestre, William Quartermain II, Maude Quartermaine, Guy De Bretton*, Jon De Bretton, William De St Maur Boyvill, Walter De Stanhope, Margaret De Longvilliers, William De Longvilliers, Bertha Markham, Sir Adam De Houghton III, Knight, Avicia / Aurelia Howick De Hoghton, Robert De Clifford, Mariota De Wytewell, Roger Munchensy, Agatha Munchensy, Randle Praers, Amiceia De Galtha, De Crewe, Avice De Crewe, Matthew I De Lovaine (van Leuven), Knight, Muriel (Amy) De Lovaine/De Grey, Hugh De Weston, Sir, Agnes De Weston, Humphrey VII De Bohun, Maude De Fiennes,

~gen. 25: Sir Adam De Houghton, II, Mabille De Clifford, Roger De Wytewell, Hubert De Munchensy, Muriel De Munchensy (De Valoines), Margaret De Prayers, Amice Cheshire, Sir Godfrey De Lovaine, Of Little Easton , Alice De Louvain Heir (Fitzwilliam De Hastings) , Sir Hugh De Weston, Sarah De Weston, Humphrey Vi De Bohun, Earl Of Hereford And Essex, Eleanor De Bohun (de Braose),

~gen. 26: Adam De Hocton, I , Agnes Hocton, I De Bussell, Page, Roger Of Stanstead De Munchensy, Of Stanstead, Matilda De Vaux, Count Godfrey Lll Of Leuven, Landgrave Of Brabant, Imagina Van Leuven, I, Sir Hugh ' The Palmer' De Weston, Matilda De Brereton, Humphrey V De Bohun, Earl Of Hereford & Essex, Mahaut De Lusignan, Countess Of Hereford,

~gen. 27: Wilus Alias Richard De Hoghton, Widow Favarre, Robert De Vallibus, Baron Dalton, Agnes Fitzwalter, Count Godfrey II Of Lorraine, Landgrave Of Brabant, Marquis Of Antwerp, Duke Of Lower Lorraine, Lutgardis Von Sulzbach, Duchess Of Lower Lorraine, Sir John De Weston, Isolda De Weston, Henry De Bohun, Fifth Baron, Surety For The Magna Carta, Maud Fitzgeoffrey De Mandeville, Countess Of Essex,

~gen. 28: Hamo Pincerna, Le Botelier, Maud De Bussell, Seigneur Robert (Harold) De Vallibus De Vaux, Beatrice De Munchensy, Ralph Fitzwalter, Matilda De Langetot, Henry II Of Louvain, Count Of Louvain, Adela Van Leuven In De Betuwe, Sir Hamon De Weston, Agnes De Orreby, Lady, Humphrey Iv (III) De Bohun, Constable Of England, Earl Of Hereford, Margaret De Huntingdon, Princess Of Scotland,

~gen. 29: Hervey Walter II Of Weeton, Matilda Walter, Robert De Vaux, Treyermayne And Ada De Vaux, Ada De Vaux, Hubert De Munchensy, II, 1st Wife Of Hubert Montchesnes (granddaughter Of Aslac) , Walter Fitzponce, Ralph De Langetot I, Lambert II 'the Belted', Count Of Leuven, Brussels And Ada (Oda) De Lorraine, Robert Fitzralph De Weston, Sibyl De Landa, Humphrey III (II) De Bohun, Lord Of Hereford, Margaret De Hereford, Henry Of Scotland, Ada De Warenne, Countess Of Huntingdon,

~gen. 30: Hervey Walter De Clare, I, N.N. De Caen, Harold De Vaux Of Normandy, Hubert De Munchensy, I, Piers (Peter) De Valognes, I, Albreda De Rie, Guillaume De Normandy, Lambert I, Count Of Louvain, Gerberge, Ralph Fitzurnoi De Weston, Margaret De Weston, Humphrey II "The Great" De Bohun, 1st Baron Of Trowbridge; 2nd B.Of Tatterford, Maud (Matilda) D'evreux, Of Salisbury, David I, King Of Scots, Maud /Matilda De Senlis, Countess Of Huntingdon,

~gen. 31: Lord Gilbert Fitz Richard De Clare, Lord Of Clare, Tonbridge, And Cardigan , Adeliza De Claremont, Robert De Vaux, Treyermayne; Ranulf De Vaux, Aitard De Vaux, Norfolk, Hubert De Monte Caniso , Enguerrand De Ponthieu, II Comte De Montreuil Et De Ponthieu, Adelaide Of Normandy, Countess Of Aumale, Hubert De Rie, Steward Of Normandy, Albreda De Harcourt, Régnier III, Comte De Hainaut, Adele Comtesse D'equisheim, Urnoi "The Saxon" Weston, Agatha De Weston, Lady, Humphrey "The Bearded" Or "The Old" De Bohun I, Margaret De Hereford, Malcolm III, 'Canmore', King Of Scots, Saint Margaret, Queen Of Scots,

~gen. 32: Richard Fitzgilbert De Bienfaite, Lord Of Clare And Of Tonbridge, Rohese Giffard De Longueville, Humbert Monte Caniso , Hugues II, Comte De Ponthieu, Berthe D'aumale, Dame D'aumale, Robert I "the Magnificent", Duke Of Normandy, Herleva Of Falaise, Eudes Fitz Geoffroi De Ries, Honfroi, Seigneur De Vieilles , Auberee De La Haye, Dame De Brothoune, Reginar II, Count Of Hainaut, Adélaïde Of Burgundy, Kadielpuus De Weston, Agatha De Weston, Richard De Meri De Meri, (de Bohon), Billeheude De Saint Sauveur, Duncan I, King Of Scots,

~gen. 33: Gilbert De Brionne Comte D'eu, N.N., Enguerrand I "Isembart", Comte De Ponthieu, Adelina Of Holland, Guerinfrey D'aumale, Seigneur D'aumale, Emergarde D'auvergne, Richard II "the Good", Duke Of Normandy, Judith Of Brittany, Thorold, Seigneur De Pont-Audemer, Wevia De Crépon, Routot De La Hay, Eva De La Haye, Reginar I "Longneck", Duke Of Lorraine And Count Of Hainault, Alberade De Mons, Duchesse De Basse Lorraine, Crínán Of Dunkeld, Bethóc Ingen Maíl Coluim Meic Cináeda,

~gen. 34: Geoffrey De Brionne, Count Of Eu & Brionne , N.N. Brione, Hugo I Van Ponthieu, Gisèle De France, Arnulf "Gandensis" Van Holland, Luitgard Of Luxembourg, Hugues Capet, Roi Des Francs, Adélaïde D'aquitaine, Reine Des Francs, Richard I, 'The Fearless', Duke Of Normandy, Gunnor, Duchess Of Normandy, Conan I Le Fort De Bretagne, Ermengarde (Anjou) De Bretagne, Torfe "the Rich" De Harcourt, Eremberge, Dame De Briquebec, Giselbert I, Count Of Maasgau, Princess Ermengarde De Lorraine, Duncan Of Atholl, Mormaer Of Atholl,

~gen. 35: Richard I, 'The Fearless', Duke Of Normandy, Concubine, Hilduinus (Hildouin III) Van Ponthieu, Hersende La Pieuse Van Ponthieu, Countess Of Arcis, Hugues Capet, Roi Des Francs, Adélaïde D'aquitaine, Reine Des Francs, Dirk II, Count In Holland, Hildegarde, Countess Of Ghent, Siegfried I, Count Of Luxembourg, Hedwig Of Nordgau, Hugh The Great, Hedwige Of Saxony, Judicaël De Bayeux, Comte De Rennes, Anslec De Bastembourg, Seigneur De Briquebec, Gilette 'the Dane' De Beaumont, Giselbert Van De Bidgouw, Duncan Mac Donachadh, Abthane Of Dule,

~gen. 36: "William I Longsword" Fitzrobert, Sprota De Vermandois, Hugh The Great, Hedwige Of Saxony, Dirk I, Graaf In Holland , Gerberge, Heiress Of Friesland, Arnulf I The Great, Count Of Flanders, Adele Of Vermandois, Héribert II, Count Of Vermandois , Adèle De France, Wigerich, Pfalzgraf Von Lothringen, Cunigunda, Countess Of Trèves & Ardennes, Pascweten II Comte De Rennes, Rollo Thurstan Hrollagersson, "Brico", Gerlotte De Blois, Duncan Of Strathearn, Priest Of Dule,

~gen. 37: Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Of Normandy, Poppa Of Bayeaux, Baldwin II "the Bald", Count Of Flanders , Ælfthryth, Countess Of Flanders, Lietgardis De Troyes, King Alan I King Of Brittany, Hrollager Rognvaldsson, Emina D'ávranches, Thibaud L'ancien, Comte De Blois, Richilde Of Bourges,

~gen. 38: Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl Of Møre, Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", Count Of Flanders , Judith, Countess Of Flanders, Alfred The Great, King Of The Anglo-Saxons, Ealhswith, Pepin II Seigneur De Senlis, De Peronne & De Saint-Quentin, Possible Cunegonde De Senlis De Valois, Count Redoredh Berenger, Of Nantes, Aremburge D"Ancenes, Eremberge, Dame De Briquebec, Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", Count Of Flanders , Judith, Countess Of Flanders, Gerlotte De Blois, Hugues II, Count Of Bourges, Rothilde Of The Franks,

~gen. 39: Eystein Ivarsson The Noisy Glumra , Ásdís (Ascrida) Ragnvaldsdóttir, Charles II "the Bald", Western Emperor, Ermentrude Of Orléans, Queen Of The Franks, Aethelwulf, King Of Wessex , Osburga, Queen Consort Of Wessex, Bernard, King Of Lombardy, Cunigundis, Erispoe II Duke Of Brittany De Poher, Marmoec De Poher, Mistress Of Ragnvald, Étienne (Stephen), Count Of Bourges, Richilde,

~gen. 40: Ivar Halfdansson, Opplendingejarl , Louis I, The Pious, Judith Of Bavaria, Odo I, Count Of Orléans , Ingeltrude Of The Franks Of Orleans, Egbert, King Of Wessex, Rædburh, Queen Consort Of Wessex, "Pépin" Carloman, King Of Italy, Mistress Of Pepin, Nominoe De Poher Bretagne King Of Brittany (Desposyni Line 300 Ad), Argentia Verch De Bretagne, Hugues I, Count Of Bourges, Bava Of De Bourges,


My Mother's side: My Grandmother's Mother's line: from England & Denmark


~gen. 5: Christensen,

~gen. 6: Friend, Thorwald Christensen,

~gen. 7: Standen, Crittenden, Thranum, Andersen,

~gen. 8: Latter, Barnes, Norris, Climset, Kjeldsen, Madsen, Christiansen, Pedersen, Christensen Kragh, Olesen,

~gen. 9: Dunck, Diplock, Jervois, Jarvis Or Jerrais, King, Cornes, Jensen, Jensen, Johandatter, Neilsen, Hansen, Andersen,

~gen. 10: Jensen, Parsons, Diplock Or Duplock, Durrant, Wilson, Bennett, Burtenshaw Or Birkenshaw, Christen Mrs Kjeldsen, Thomesen, Madsen, Kieldsen, Madsen, Kieldsen, Nielsen, Sorensen, Clausen, Svendsen,

~gen. 11: Turner, Jupp, Ollisen, Ollisen, Lyby, Simonsen, Berthelsen, Neilsen (plete), Jensdatter, Eriksen,

~gen. 12: Simon, Mrs. Simon, Berthel, Neils, (hiulmand) Jensen, Pedersdatter, Mr., Mrs., Plette Andersen, Mrs.Jens Andersen, Andersen,

~gen. 13: Jens, Plete Mrs.Anders


From my Father's Line:

*New Surnames from the northern Spain & Basque Regions; Guipuzcoa, & Aranaz, Navarre, Kingdom Of Castille

Thompson, Guyonne, Parra, Melendrez, Valle*, Del Carbajal, Sayre, Orcasitos, Colomo, Enrique, Rodriguez, Zubiate*, Sagardia*, De Llescas* , Ruiz*

Ovante de Jesus Perez, Jennings, de la Fontaine, de Ovante de Perez, Fausel

My Father's side: My Grandfather's Father's Line: from Spain


~gen. 6: Parra, Melendrez,

~gen. 7: Valle, Del Carbajal, Sayre, Orcasitos,

~gen. 8: De Aguirre, Colomo, Enrique

~gen. 9: Rodriguez,

~gen. 10: Zubiate,

~gen. 11: Sagardia, De Llescas

~gen. 12: Ruiz,

~gen. 4: Enriquez,


My Father's side: My Grandmother's Mother's Line: from France


~gen. 4: Guyonne, Jennings,

~gen. 5: Ovante De Jesus Perez,

~gen. 6: De La Fontaine, De Ovante De Perez,

~gen. 7: Fausel, De La Fontaine