One interesting item, I discovered today,
is that King Philip IV of France from my mothers' Vaux line,
was born at the Fontainebleau from my fathers' Fontaine line.
My direct line* surname parentages were the castle starters, and after these 500 yr. major reigns, the expansion era kinda went into a huge chateau size-overkill. I'm desperate to find an old image, "painting" of the original Fontainebleau, with its forests surrounding it, era 1200's.
Their website details all the new extreme opulence from the 15th century to recent times. (The unpopular Royals of decadence, the Bourgeoisie. Royals who neglected the populous, which forced the people to want a French Revolution. 1500-"1789". Giving Napoleon Bonaparte rights to dictate, based upon his frugality, and skill to feed an army.)

Fontainebleau post-Medieval
when the chateau was expanded upon.
Before jumping in and waving the
"It's my surname flag." review the panty-hose ownership section at the end of this blog.
The Vaux Anjou Ownership Treaty:
1rst ruling:
"to eliminate non-surname ownerships of the castles of France
and other regions of Europe."
also including, wives married into the name without inherital rights of dominion. Only children of those marriages have priviledges, to work for this venue of prospectus. There should be enough of us, to fill the chateaus,
as our homes again, while maintaining the business have-to's.
No free rides though, in thinking that the Vaux Kingdom will be the bail-out of each surnames repairs, that money has to be beckoned from the keeper themselves.
If they cannot keep the manors in shape and in business,
then the Vaux Kingdom: has the honorable respectus of ownership rights to re-associate itself more inherently, meaning: the adaptation of the Vaux name with the original surname.
We also will be using, the names of Beau, Baux, and the occasional fort or mont surname endings, to supply the deed-pairing with appropriate namage, otherwise there will be too many Vaux chateau's.
So, if the Fontainebleau is bankrupt, we
become the Vaux Fontainbleau. In this way, the original surname is kept, and each of these sorts of castles are with the family for years to come.
Being a "De Vaux Chateau" or castle, means the kingdom is there with its additional infrastructure funding, to supply rebuilds.
As many of you have noticed, the olde EU did not repair all of these castles, and went with the premise that anyone could
show up and pay for the labor, and supplies, etc. with a later date re-instatement to be paid for supplies.
In similar, nor can we, foot the bill for all these repairs, without being direct business owners, Though, as mentioned above, we will be transferred in as direct-owners, in times of diress.
2nd ruling:
A stop of sales or resales from these original families castles and/or chateaus.
In this way,
"the agony of one generations fails do not defeat anothers."
Also, any chateaus, that do not have any surnamed persons of origin and descent available, then the chateau's name will also change into the more formal of: ie: "Le Vaux de La Fontaine"
So, history is kept while being refurbished also.
If your castle has been sold away from the families surname through the years, well, we'll have to get it back.
I will be pushy and demand property taxes from those persons and that event will exhume them from the premises, without having to start any wars with crying relatives over inherited belongs.
The Vaux Anjou Ownership Treaty Conclusives:
If your family cannot afford your castle, well then it becomes a pair-deeded ownership with the Kingdom.
I am from the counts of Anjou so far, so, there's a joke in humor with that one. (the anjou is the pearvariety.)
Each chateau returning to its surnamed family will be purchased by the kingdom, when the infrastructure money arises, and only at that time.
Once pair-deeded as a Kingdoms castle and chateau for safe-keeping, the businesses, will need to be kept up ...
or all the rights of deed & businesses thereof, theses chateaus will become the Vaux Kingdoms.
Here's a quick list of a few of the 500 yr. reigns:
from a few surnames of my mother;s Vaux line:
800-1300: France, Kiev, England and Hungary.

Andrew II: Arpad Dynasty
the Jerosolimitan, 1177.
Defeater of an Egyptian Sultan (withdraw)
with Dukes Leopold VI of Austria
and Otto I of Merania
Andrew led his army of 10,000 men.
Kings of France, from the Capets & later the Tudors of England:
Robert the Strong 820
Robert I of France 866
"Hugh the Great", 898
Hugh Capet, 941, Adelaide of Aquitaine, 945
Robert II of France, 972, "The Pious"
Henry I of France, 1008, Anne of Kiev 1030
Philip I the Amorous, 1052
Louis VI the Fat, "Le Gros", 1081, "roi de Saint-Denis"
Louis VII, Le Jeune, "The Young" 1120,
Construction Notre-Dame de Paris, the founding of the University of Paris
Philip II Augustus, 1165, Roi de France
Louis VIII the Lion, 1187
Louis IX of France 1214, Saint Louis
Philip III the Bold 1245
Philip III of France, Philip the Bold, 1245
Philip IV of France, 1268, Philip the Fair, born at Fontainebleau, France
Isabella of France, 1295, "the she-wolf of France", Queen of England,
Edward II of England, 1284
Philippa of Hainault, 1314, Queen of England
King Edward 111 of England, 1312
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster 1340
Katherine Swynford 1314
Paon de Roet
Joan de Beaufort 1379
Ralph de Neville 1364
From above, to
Vladimir The Great: Rurik dynasty
Anne of Kiev daughter of
Yaroslav the Wise, 978, a son of the Varangian (Viking)...
Grand Prince Vladimir the Great
aka, Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great, at that time, Ukraine, was not yet a country.
Kings (Grand Princes) of Hungary & Croatia: The Árpád Dynasty ruled thru 1300.
(mostly only the fathers line is listed below.)
Árpád. 845,
Zoltán of Hungary, 880
Taksony: a younger son of Taksony, Grand Prince of the Hungarians., 971
Vazul or Vászoly, 997,
Béla I of Hungary, 1015,
Géza I of Hungary, 1040,
Álmos, Duke of Croatia son of king Geza 1.
Béla II of Hungary, 1109, m., Predslava of Kiev
Géza II of Hungary, 1130, m., Euphrosyne of Kiev
Béla III of Hungary, 1148
Andrew II the Jerosolimitan, 1177
Béla IV
Stephen V of Hungary;1239, Stephen forced his father to cede lands of the Kingdom of Hungary to the east of the Danube to him and adopted the title of King-junior in 1262. his daughter...
Queen Mary of Hungary 1257, married;
Charles II, known as "the Lame" (French le Boiteux, Italian lo Zoppo) (1254 – 5 May 1309) was King of Naples, King of Albania, Prince of Salerno, Prince of Achaea, Count of Provence and Forcalquier and Count of Anjou.
Margaret, Countess of Anjou, 1294
Charles count of Valois 1270,
Joan of Valois 1314, m:, William I, Count of Hainaut with their daughter
Philippa of Hainault, Queen of England
Direct-Line Surname Clarifications:
A direct line means one surname that holds the
shared blood-type of one particular group of family tree.
... and that group share the same ancestors lines.
The direct-line surname lines, are classed as higher surname descent.
The non-direct surname lines,
that carry the same surname,
are to be classed as lessor surname descent.
In this way, shared names, such as those given to indentured servants or other surnamed persons, from other world regions, are not complicated into as shared in blood-line. As the lines do not match.
In example:
The Vaux's of Hainaut are of higher surname descent, to the Vaux's whose parents, grandparents and ancestors who were not of the direct-line surname parentage Hainaut** also.
The lessor surname group of descendants are useful when the higher surname descent group is unavailable to be found or has died out.
If a higher surname descent group dies out
then, a non-direct blood-line lineage is able to participate as an inheritor to that families particular line of estates and duties. Though they cannot ever in full value commit themselves as persons of the higher surname descendants.
Persons who are able by genealogies proofs, to be the direct-line higher surname descendants, are the first and obvious choice of that families group of businesses, localities and castle keeps.
**In the example of Hainaut, there may be other Hainaut lines, though not ones that share the same path to the Royal Family of England.
Therefore they are classed as lessor Hainauts,
with this particular direct-line.
Where the newer names of today such as Hanes and Hainsworth possibly direct descendants of Philippa Hainaut as cousins, can still protect their families fortunes of pantyhose companies,
away from the descendants of Philippa Hainaut and her marriage partner King Edward [111],
and those pantyhose companies lines are classed as higher Hainaults lines, to the lessor lines of Phillipa and King Edward [111].
No panty-hose for King Edward's line, unless it was found that somewhere later than another Hainaut group that held the companies affiliations, and re-married into as one of his further descendants.
[higher line as the king]
without the panty-hose companies.
[the mothers' brother] + [his wife]
[lessor line not as the king]
with the panty-hose companies.